Cover Stories | Courtnaye Richard
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Inside Out with Courtnaye


Hey Sis! So glad that you're here! Check out my blog cover stories and features where I share with you, Christian women from around the globe who are making a great impact for the Kingdom of God! As I interview each one, get ready to be inspired, instructed, and encouraged as we dive into some biblical and practical insight. Let's go Inside!

December 2022


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Personal Revival
Erica wiggenhron

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

        elcome, sister! Join me as a I sit down to talk to the beautiful Erica Wiggenhorn. She is the founder of Every Life Ministries. Erica longs to bring the truth of Scripture to transform your life. An award-winning author with Moody Publishers, Erica loves to share the Word of God wherever she can! Her latest release is An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God’s Goodness Through Disappointment and Doubt, an 8-week Bible study through the prophecies of Ezekiel (a companion video teaching series is also available to accompany this work). She is also a frequent speaker at women’s retreats, large conferences, or her own kitchen table. In addition, Erica serves on the Proverbs 31 Ministries writing team for their First 5 App. You can find her almost every day on Instagram where she shares Phoenix life with her best friend Jonathan, and their four children (two of which are human and the others furry and adorable). 


Courtnaye – Welcome Erica! 


Erica – Hi Courtnaye!


Courtnaye – We finally got together! Yay!


Erica – I know!


Courtnaye – Well today, we’re going to be talking about, "Experiencing Personal Revival" and your 8-week Bible study that’s entitled, An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God’s Goodness Through Disappointment and Doubt. Now, it’s coming from the angle of Ezekiel. So Erica, you mention that there is a phrase that God speaks in the book of Ezekiel over 50 times. What it is it and what does it mean?  


Erica – Yeah, so that phrase is, “Then you will know that I am the Lord.” The word “know” in Hebrew is “yada” which is a word that they would use on the wedding night where a husband would know his wife. So, it’s a picture of ultimate intimacy. And then the name, “Lord” is the Hebrew name “Yahweh,” which means the God who creates and enters relationship


Courtnaye – Gotcha!


Erica – So what God is saying is, "Through every circumstance you face, every doubt that you wrestle with, every disappointment you have to walk through, and everything that you go through in this life – the good, difficult, including things that make sense and that you don’t understand, all of those things are for the purpose of knowing that I am the God who desires relationship with you.” And so, what God was saying over and over again is, “I’m after your heart.”  


Courtnaye – Wow! That is so good and what great perspective! Now Erica, you’re talking about intimacy with God. What does that look like for us today?  


Erica – Intimacy with God comes through the Word of God.


Courtnaye – Amen!


Erica – And that can be a hard habit to develop in our lives. Is it worth it? Yes. Is it a process? Absolutely.


Courtnaye – Yes, it is a process. Okay, so let’s dive into revival. This is so dear to my heart and a lot of people right now. So, when people are praying for revival, what do you think they mean or what does that look like? 


Erica – Well Courtnaye, what I think revival looks like is the mom who is at home each day with her kids and she’s worried about the future. She’s worried about this crazy world that they’re growing up in and she wants to protect them. And she wants them to follow the Lord. She’s also worn out, exhausted, and filled with fear and worry, yet she’s crying out saying, “God, help me!” 


Courtnaye – Ah!


Erica – I think it looks like the woman who gets up every day and as she goes to work, she’s in her car saying, “God, I don’t like the person that I am. I want to be different. I want to change. I want to be better. I want to grow.”   


Courtnaye –Gotcha!


Erica – I think it looks like the student who’s saying, “I want to do something significant with my life. I want to do something that counts. I want to make the world a better place. God use me.” It starts with individuals just crying out to God. I think that’s what revival looks like. That’s the revival that God is after now. I think of Psalm 23 where the Lord tells us, “He restores my soul.” That’s what revival is – it’s the restoration of the soul


Courtnaye – Yeah, and it's personal. (nodding in agreement).


Erica – It’s also getting your joy, back. It’s the awe and wonder of the magnificence of God, back. It’s the fervor, back. It’s the peace, back. It’s the empowerment, back. It's when we each individually, come and cry out to Him. And He’s ready to give it as soon as we’re ready to receive it.


Courtnaye – Again, it comes back to that personal walk. 


Erica – Yes! And you know, it’s so interesting because when you go through the book of Ezekiel, one of the things that I noticed was how seldom the people would come to Ezekiel to receive a word from the Lord. In fact, they were exiled in Babylon (and there was this stretch in time) but they never went to Ezekiel to hear a word from the Lord. And it got me thinking, “How often am I doing that?” How often am I going to God and asking, “Speak to me. Share with me what’s on your heart today, God? What do you want me to know about You?”


Courtnaye – Amen.


Erica – So often I go to God and I'm like, “Okay God, let me tell you all the things. I need you to fix this in my family, and I would really like it if you would give me that blessing. And I really think it would be a good idea if you would change this circumstance.” I'm always telling God all the things, instead of going to Him and saying, “God, tell me all the things.” 


Courtnaye – Yes. He’s the Master Teacher. And the Lord is like, “Sit down and let me teach you.” I love it. Okay, let’s go a little deeper. Where are we as a church and as a nation? What do you think is preventing revival from happening? 


Erica – Oooo, that’s a loaded question, sister! When I went through the book of Ezekiel, they put God in a box. They believed the right king had to be on the throne for revival to happen. And maybe we believe the right person needs be in the White House or the right color needs to be in the Senate or whatever. But God was saying, “You’re making Me way too small. I don’t need a governmental person in order to bring revival. I am the God of relationship. I am the Almighty.”


Courtnaye – Ooooo…Amen!


Erica – God was going to change each individual heart. So, God is saying, “Don’t wait for all of your shepherds and leaders to have revival before you have revival. Don’t wait for the right governmental system to be in place before you have revival. You, as my people, can have revival right now!” 


Courtnaye – You’re preaching Sister! And I love it! 


Erica – God already has a plan for revival. He’s saying, “I’m inviting you to come. Let me revive your heart. And in the process, child of God, as your heart is revived and your neighbor’s heart is revived, and your sister’s heart is revived, and your brother’s heart is revived, then the fire of revival begins to spread." That’s what God is after – your heart. 


Courtnaye – One heart at a time. When we’re changed then other people’s lives can be changed because of the change that has taken place in our own personal lives, because we’ve sat with the Lord and allowed Him to revive and restore us. So true! Now, let’s talk about the Holy Spirit before we get out of here. Can you expound on the role of the Holy Spirit regarding everything that we do? 


Erica – Yes, while writing this study, we actually took a whole week and all we did was dive into the person and the work of the Holy Spirit. We looked at what did Jesus specifically say about the Holy Spirit? We looked at spiritual gifts, the fruit of the Spirit, keeping in step with the Spirit, revelation of the Spirit, and the empowerment of the Spirit because we can’t have revival unless we’re operating in the power of the Holy Spirit.   


Courtnaye – Amen! There is power in the Holy Spirit and we don’t need to box Him in. We need to let Him have free reign in our lives, while using the gifts of the Spirit and walking in the fruit of the Spirit. So good! Well, alright. Erica, can you share an encouraging word as we get ready to close, today?


Erica – Yes. My encouraging word would be to know that God loves you fervently and He is after your heart passionately. The thing that I saw in the book of Ezekiel, probably more than anything else, was how desperately God wanted His people to understand His deep love for them and His desire to be in intimate relationship with them. So if God feels far away or seems silent or you feel disappointed in your circumstances, maybe you’re believing your doubts or doubting your beliefs, or wondering if God really loves you or is He just tolerating you, your Father loves you. 


Courtnaye  – Right.


Erica – He loves you because He delights in you. And when God looks at you, He doesn’t see who you are right in this moment. He sees everything that He longs for you to become. So, keep talking to Him, keep opening your Word, and keep getting into community with other believers. Because God is still working on you, He’s still working in you, and He’s still working through you. But He wants you to come closer and closer to Him. 


Courtnaye – Amen! So good! Wow! I need this word in this season! Ladies, connect with Erica! She is on Facebook and Instagram (see below). Her website is and grab her book, TODAY! Thank you so much for sharing with us Erica and for being here, sister! 



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In this 8-week Bible study, An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God’s Goodness through Disappointment and Doubt, you will encounter a unique picture of revival through Ezekiel’s prophecies. God chose to spark revival through people who seemed counted out, cast aside, and disregarded.
Ezekiel reveals that we are not the first people to believe our doubts and doubt our beliefs when circumstances spiral out of control. But God pursues us with His goodness desiring to bring revival to our broken hearts. 


Through a study of the book of Ezekiel, God offers an invitation to: 
— experience His faithfulness when surrounded by uncertainty
— reignite our hope instead of losing heart
— realize the call of God, reawakening us to our purpose
— rest in contentment rather than dwell in disappointment

Read More Cover Stories

November 2022


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By Inside Out with Courtnaye

           oin me as I sit down with powerhouse Linda Goldfarb, as we have a fun and enlightening conversation about four new personality types that will help you understand yourself better and the way you handle projects while working with others. It's pretty cool! Linda strives to be transparent and real. She is a hybrid award-winning author with both traditionally published and Indy published books. Linda is also the award-winning host of the Your Best Writing Life podcast, co-founder of the LINKED® Personality System, an International speaker and board-certified advanced-level Christian life coach. A combination of faith, humor, and personality awareness has grown Linda and her husband Sam's relationship into a thriving adventure lasting more than 35 years. They have four adult children, fifteen grandchildren and a brand new great-grand baby. 


Courtnaye – Welcome Linda! So glad you're here! We’re going to be talking about the power of personality as it relates to our spiritual, professional, and personal lives through your co-authored LINKED book series and personality assessment. So let's dive right in. Linda, why do you think it's important for us to understand our personality types?


Linda – I've discovered that it changes our perspective in every area. Our uniqueness is beautiful. We weren’t designed to be like someone else. We were designed exactly the way God wants us and to walk out who He desires us to be for Him, His kingdom, and our family. So when we understand our personalities, life changes and it changes dramatically.   


Courtnaye – So true! I actually love taking personality assessments. They’re just fun! Now, Linda you have the LINKED personality assessment and a LINKED book series. But before we go even further into the conversation, can you share a little bit about the vision behind it all? 


Linda – Yes, thank you. This is a vision that came to me as I was working with my busy clients. I’m a coach. So, I wanted them to find out more about themselves quickly. I contacted a very good friend of mine, Linda Gilden. We both have studied the personalities for years and we both had life changing impact from understanding the personalities with a different organization. So I approached her and said, “Linda, we need an assessment, and it needs to be quick, concise, but meaty.” So, we put our heads together and came up with 26 questions.


Courtnaye – Mhmm. (nodding in agreement)


Linda – LINKED is about maximizing communication and relationships in different areas. What we’ve found is that when people start seeing themselves the way God designed them, that’s when they can experience freedom. We want people set free and to walk in the design that God has for them. 


Courtnaye – Amen! So tell us more about the different personality types that you share in your series. There are four of them. Can you break them down for us?


Linda – Absolutely! What’s really fun about this is that the readers are going to recognize fairly quickly which one might be their dominant personality. The first one is mobilizers. They are the getter-done, fast processors who excel when they’re challenged. They are task-oriented extroverts who love doing things the fast way.


Courtnaye – That’s me!


Linda – (smiling) Next, we have the socializers. They are the life of the party, fast processors, and excel as storytellers. These are the ones who grab everyone’s attention! They are people-oriented extroverts who love doing things the fun way. 


Courtnaye – Gotcha!


Linda – Then we have the stabilizers. They are the keep-the-peace slower processors. They take their time and excel, while working well under pressure. They keep calm. They’re also people-oriented, but they are introverts. They love doing things the easy way. 


Courtnaye – Okay, gotcha. 


Linda – And lastly, we have the organizers. They are the ones who like everything in order. They are slower processors because they think things through before they speak on them. They excel in details and organization. They are the task-oriented introvert who love doing things the right way. 


Courtnaye – I love it! As I heard them, I picked up on my top two dominant LINKED personalities. I’m a mobilizer and socializer (laughing)!  


Linda – I agree! 


Courtnaye – I feel like this can work in churches, private organizations, ministries, businesses, groups, and teams – everywhere. Because we need each other and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, knowing who we are, but also knowing what we should do and not is just so important as we work together. This is so good! I’m so glad that you ladies created this assessment and series of books.


Linda – You know, I am too! We love it! And Courtnaye, you’re one of our Certified LINKED Ambassadors. And I’ve seen how you’ve utilized it through workshops and organizing your conferences. You’re really good at spotting the needs of others in your groups as you meet those needs, while loving on people. It’s really how God designed us. We’re not in this alone. There’s room for all of us. 


Courtnaye – Aww, thank you so much and agreed! Well, before we get out of here, Linda do you have an encouraging word to share with the women who will be reading or watching, today?


Linda – Thank you for the opportunity, Courtnaye. I do. You were designed for an incredible purpose. You are not a mistake. You are an enhancement. You are precious, valuable, and exactly who you need to be for a time such as this. And God is ready to equip you and come alongside you. All of us are working together – none of us are tossable. We are all needed. You are needed. And you are amazing exactly the way you are! 


Courtnaye – Wow! Thank you so much Linda! I truly appreciate you. I'd love for women to connect with you. So, how can they connect, take the assessment, and follow you online? 


Linda – Sure! They can go to (click the link assessment and mention where you heard it which is Inside Out with Courtnaye). It’s also FREE. The books are available on my website and Amazon (see books below). Also, you can connect with me at and I’m on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. ). 


Courtnaye – Alright dear reader, grab her books, take the assessment, follow her on social media and her website, and check out her award-winning podcast, Your Best Writing Life where she equips writers, speakers, while getting soul care, too! I love it and Linda! Connect, connect with her! Thanks for joining me Sister!  



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This is a journey of self-discovery. The general quick guide and assessment are here to help you understand yourself and your personality. If you understand why you do the things you do and that they are a result of your God-given personality traits and your life experiences, then you are able to live and grow in your strengths. Learning about personalities broadens your horizons and gives you a base of wisdom with which to approach relationships.


Who needs a LINKED® Quick Guide to Personalities?


  • Anyone who values relationships and wants to make them stronger.

  • Busy people who don’t have time for intense studies about personalities.

  • Individuals who like their information in a nutshell.

  • People who engage with people on a regular basis—pretty much everyone!

Take the free LINKED Personality Assessment TODAY!

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October 2022


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The Power of partnership 

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

        am so happy and honored to introduce you to my beautiful sister in Christ, close friend, and partner of B4 Women, Rachel G. Scott. She is a wife, mother, and Ohio native. Rachel is also a writer, speaker, and brand mentor. She has been featured nationally and internationally on television, podcasts, radio, devotionals, and blogs. She has also shared on platforms such as Family Life, TCT Television, Propel Sophia, Hope*Writers, Flourish Writers, and more. Rachel is the host of "Taking the Leap Podcast with Rachel G Scott,” founder of the I Can't Come Down Movement and co-founder of B4 Women. She is a former Huffington Post contributor and COMPEL Focus Group Leader. Currently she is a YouVersion teacher, Moody Radio Cleveland Partner, and Hope*Writers Host Team Member. Her first traditionally published book will release in March of 2024 with Moody Publishers.


Courtnaye – Welcome Rachel!


Rachel –Thank you Courtnaye for having me! (smiling)


Courtnaye –Absolutely! I'm so excited to sit down and talk with you. But before we get started, I want to talk about how we met. Rachel, can you share?


Rachel – Yes, so we were both in an author and speaker mastermind (hosted by Dr. Saundra B. Dalton Smith). We were working on something, and I remember reaching out to you saying, “Hey, can we do this together? I need some help with this. I need some accountability.” And that was literally the foundation of our friendship. It was the accountability factor, being rooted in Christ, while realizing that we were like-minded. That became the partnership that God began to cultivate.


Courtnaye – Exactly! So true. I remember that day and we’ve been talking ever since. Actually, we talk almost every day. Okay, so now let’s dive into this topic, "The Power of Partnership." For starters, a partnership can look like a variety of different things, right? It could be working with someone on an event, new endeavor, summit, collaborations, business or ministry project – that’s partnership. 


Rachel – Yes! 


Courtnaye – And so, we’re going to talk about some ways of how partnerships can work effectively. I tend to say that we are called to work in unity and not disunity. With that said, let’s talk about accountability. What does that actually look like in a partnership, Rach? 


Rachel – I love that question. When I think of accountability, I really consider how God wants us to sharpen each other and grow together in community. Oftentimes, we think we can be isolated, grow, and experience all that God has for us, but accountability is what helps us to do all of the things that He wants us to do. He’s not calling us to do it alone. Instead, He’s calling us to do it together.  


Courtnaye – Agreed. (nodding)


Rachel – Also, for us, it’s me chiming in and asking, “Hey sis, where are you with your project?” It’s having those conversations and leaning into the vision that God has given to us, even as we partner with B4 Women (we’ll talk more about that partnership in just a moment). But it’s also asking one another, “What is it that we need to do in order for this ministry endeavor to go to the next level and what do His people need within the community?” It’s about holding each other accountable for the task at hand.


Courtnaye – For sure. Now Rachel, you mentioned B4 Women. Let’s explain it a bit. So we are the founders and hosts of a Facebook group called B4 Women (dear reader, check it out and join us). We’ve partnered together for this endeavor as we help women all around the globe grow and learn spiritually and professionally through our B4 model, which is Bible, Business (and Ministry), Building, and Balance. Also, within a 4-month time frame we talk and share from those particular areas with a variety of tips. Oh, and we also have themes and a B4 Women Toolkit! Am I missing anything?


Rachel – Well, we want to reach the four corners of the world. And we’re seeing that already within the community. We literally have people who are from all over the globe that we get to serve and minister to. 


Courtnaye – Yes, I love it! Another unique thing about it is that even though we’re the hosts, we also bring in two new co-hosts for each 4-month cycle.


Rachel - Right!


Courtnaye - It’s a pretty cool concept. But I also want to mention that we've also collaborated on events. I’ve been a part of your conference and you’ve been a part of my conference and we also have a summit and LIVE intensive that’s happening in 2023 for B4 Women. Rachel, can you share more about it?


Rachel – Yes! I am super excited about it! It’s a two-day event. The first day will be a virtual summit with us and the co-hosts that we’ve had over time. The second day will be a LIVE and in-person event. So, we’ll get to pour into the women attending and learn more about the vision that God has given to them. We’ll also give them strategies and insight, and we'll have some special guests, as well.   


Courtnaye – So exciting! We would love to have you attend the summit and LIVE Intensive, dear reader (please be on the lookout for more details in January 2023 at We can’t wait to see you there! 


Rachel – Right!


Courtnaye – Okay, so let’s dive deeper into this topic of partnership as it relates to communication, because we know there are going to be times when it’s like, “Woohoo! That is awesome girlie! Let’s go ahead and do this!” But then there will also be times when it’s like, “Uh, I don’t think that’s a good move.” That happens in a partnership. 


Rachel – Yep.


Courtnaye – We know that we’re not always going to agree, but it’s all for the common good. And we work through those things. Rachel, what’s the scripture that we stand by as we partner together? 


Rachel – It’s two are better than one, because they get a better return for their labor (see Ecclesiastes 4:9). I have seen that, and we are literally living that right now (with doors that have opened for us with opportunities) and how we share and collaborate in different areas. There are things that just would not have happened had you not mentioned my name or me not mentioning your name.


Courtnaye - So true!


Rachel - I can say, “Hey, bring Courtnaye on board!” And I know that you’re going to deliver a strong message and speak the Word of God and teach.


Courtnaye – Amen! Thank you, Sis! We help each other. 


Rachel – Even when there are moments when I don’t feel like doing something you’ll say, “Rach, you’ve got to get this done!” That helps me to move, press, and get beyond the emotions that get in the way when I'm doing the thing that God has called me to do (even when I'm tired).  


Courtnaye – Yes, Lord!


Rachel – You get it! As you would say, we’re in the same waters. You understand. It’s beautiful! 


Courtnaye – Amen. But Rach, you do the same for me. Some days I don’t feel motivated or I’m down in my spirit about something, and I’ll inbox you and you’ll encourage me. Truth is, we’re doing a lot of the same things and with a lot of the same type of women. We’re in ministry. We’re wives. We’re moms. And we’re doing all of the things as we speak and write. I always say, "You get my life!"  


Rachel – Right!


Courtnaye – For a quick moment, I do want to add here that it's good to understand that when you’re partnering with someone to schedule meetings and brainstorming sessions together to see what’s the new way forward on an event, endeavor, or new project. In our partnership, we typically schedule a two-hour block to plan ahead for B4 Women, but also for our own ministry or business endeavors.


Rachel –Yes, we do. 


Courtnaye – We also cheer one another on and pray for each other. Let’s talk about prayer in a partnership. 


Rachel – Sure. As you were talking, I thought about the fast that we just finished together. During the fast, we laid out all of these things that we were praying about and what was on our hearts, but also things that we knew God has for us to do (we just needed wisdom). So I believe that there is something when two people come together in prayer (see Matthew 18:19-20). There are times when I know that you’ve prayed, because I can feel the lifting of it. That’s the beauty of partnership. 


Courtnaye – So true. Prayer is powerful in partnerships, for sure. So dear reader, do not forget to stop, pause, and pray alone, but also with others. Now, as we get ready to close, can you share an encouraging word today, Rachel?


Rachel – Yes. A lot of times what God has called us to do is bigger than us. He wants to reach so many people through us. Oftentimes, it’s not going to be something that He calls us to do alone. So pray and ask God for confirmation about who He wants you to partner with that has the same heart, passion, and who is pursuing in the same way (and understands what you’re doing). Then, just trust that He’s brought that partner into your life. I say this all the time, “Partnership is an assignment.” Everything we do is actually a partnership with God, but sometimes He brings other people along our path to partner with in a tangible way. 


Courtnaye – So good and very helpful! Thank you so much for sharing this encouraging word! Rachel, before we get out of here, please share how women can connect with you. You also have a freebie to share as well. Go for it!


Rachel – Sure, if they go to they will find my FREE ebook that’s entitled, I Can’t Come Down that’s all about walking you through the first six chapters of Nehemiah as you pursue the things that God has called you to do, and as you walk in your purpose or assignment with focus. Also, on social media, they can find me at iamrachelgscott (connect on Instagram and Facebook).


Courtnaye – Thank you so much! Dear reader, connect with Rachel. And don’t forget to grab her free ebook below and mine as well that’s entitled, Compare NOT! It’s all about helping you to not compare yourself with others in our competitive culture. Until next time, let's allow God to change us from the Inside Out!



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B4 Women is a social e-learning collaborative of women designed to help Christian women grow spiritually and professionally. We post weekly encouragement and host monthly discussions surrounding our B4 Women Model: Bible, Business, Building, & Balance. As women, we know that it takes scripture and strategy, mixed with knowledge and support to balance out faith, family, fitness, and all that God has called us to do.


Read More Cover Stories

September 2022



fear & Insecurities

with Amy Debrucque 

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

        am so excited to have a chat with my brave and beautiful sister in Christ, Amy Debrucque. She is the founder of the Life On Purpose Movement. Amy is also a Confidence Coach and the host of "Life On Purpose Podcast." After a cancer diagnosis at age 40, she began encouraging other women to share their stories in order to find hope and healing. Living her life on purpose was a reminder that everything with God’s purpose is on the other side of fear. Lastly, Amy is a wife to Ron and mom to Blair, Samuel, Ethan, and Adeline. 


Courtnaye – Welcome Amy! I'm so glad that you’re here!


Amy – Thank you so much, Courtnaye! Glad to be here (smiling).


Courtnaye – Well, let’s go ahead and dive in. Today, we’re talking about, “Overcoming Fear and Insecurities.” Amy, can you share with us a few steps that we can take to overcome fear? 


Amy – Sure. I struggled with hidden anxiety for so long, which I think a lot of women struggle with. The game changer and turning point for me was identifying my fears. I think a lot of times, we have all these fears and they can be consuming, but we rarely sit down, put them on paper, voice them, name them, and call them out for what they are. The minute you begin that process, the power fear has over you will immediately start to fade away (a little bit at a time).     


Courtnaye – I love that! Personally, I used to struggle with panic attacks years ago. Until one day, I called my mom on the way to the hospital because of an anxiety attack and she asked me, “What were you thinking about before the panic attack happened?” I thought about it and was like, “Oh, okay.” And it was gone. So I like that you said, “Identify it.” Because a lot of times anxiety comes on because of what we’re thinking about. And then scripture tells us, “Be anxious for nothing.” (See Philippians 4:6-7)


Amy – Courtnaye, I love that you mentioned scripture. Also, we have to keep that extended hand out for other women. For you, it was your mom. Your mother was just one of those women that we all need, especially when dealing with fear and insecurity. 


Courtnaye – For sure. Now Amy, you wrote a book with your daughter Blair that’s entitled, Embolden: Brave Steps to Help You Conquer Fears and Insecurities. So, what are some insecurities that women face today and how can we overcome them? 


Amy – As women, we are more prone to self-doubt or overthink every decision. We get in our own heads and it holds us up. So, I think the biggest way to combat this is to change our self-talk (and we share this in the book and course). We should also start changing the “I can’t” to “How can I?” It’s taking small steps like saying, “Maybe I can’t overcome anxiety today, but I can make sure that I’m praying every day, connecting with my mentor, or getting away from things that trigger my insecurities. I can do that.” It’s an important practice. 


Courtnaye – I love that! Amy, before we move on, I want to ask what was it like for you to write this book with your daughter? 


Amy – The most beautiful thing that came out of it was that we were able to relate. It was also nice to see that we could both be dealing with fear and insecurities, and that it’s just going to look differently at different ages and stages of our lives. As women, this doesn’t age out.


Courtnaye – Agreed. I have to say, this book is so beautifully laid out. There are prompts and scriptures. It’s all-the-things. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it (dear reader, grab it). Amy, can you tell us what it looks like to live an emboldened life? 


Amy – To live an emboldened life is to know that fear is normal. We all know that we’re going to deal with fear at some point in our lives. Although it is normal, courage can have the final say! So we can still feel fear, but still live boldly. 


Courtnaye – So good! This reminds me of Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous!” It’s actually one of my favorite verses. Okay, so let's move forward. Amy, what are you currently working on? 


Amy – Right now, we are prepping and doing all of the behind-the-scenes work to get The Confidence Course launched. It’s a group coaching community for women as we coach them on confidence. We’re really excited about it! I also do one-on-one coaching, too.  


Courtnaye – That’s awesome! Look out for the course and connect with her, dear reader. Now, before we close, can you share an encouraging word, today? 


Amy – Sure. My encouraging word for today would be, “Surrender.” The reason I picked that one is because that was my pivotal moment to finding courage while living with confidence and God’s purpose. It wasn’t util I surrendered that I had the ultimate healing and hope for my life. Hopefully this encourages somebody who just needs to let go and really do what it takes to let God take over. 


Courtnaye – So good! Surrender is such a powerful and hard word. It’s hard because we want the help from God, but we still hold on while thinking about the fear or insecurity instead of just letting go and surrendering. This conversation has been so good! Now, how can women connect with you?


Amy – They can connect with me anywhere on social media @amydebrucque and at or I'd love to interact with anybody who is willing to reach out. 


Courtnaye – Awesome! We got some good nuggets today! We can overcome fear and insecurities. We can be brave women and live emboldened. Check out Amy’s podcast, grab her book, go to her websites, and connect with her on social media. Thank you so much for sharing and being here, Amy!


Amy – Thank you so much, Courtnaye. It was a great conversation! 



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for Busy Christian Women in 2022

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August 2022



helping moms raise
confident daughters 

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

           elcome to another cover story! I had the honor and privilege of sitting down and talking to the amazing Terra Mattson. She is a Christian Parenting spokesperson, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor. Alongside her husband Jeff, Terra co-hosts the Dear Mattsons parenting advice column and the Living Wholehearted Podcast and are the co-founders of Living Wholehearted, which is a professional counseling and organizational development firm. Terra is the author of Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace. She is also a mom to two girls, a novice gardener, loves to paint and bake, and craves reading a good book by a pool on a hot day. 


Courtnaye - Hello Terra, how are you? 


Terra – So good to be here today, Courtnaye!


Courtnaye – Awesome! Well, we’re going to be talking about, Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters today. You also have some courses. We’re going to talk about them in just a little bit. But I’m so excited to talk about this topic today, because I have a daughter who just turned 18 and I know that some of our readers are moms of girls. So, let’s dive in. Terra, what do you feel is the #1 issue that our daughters are facing today?


Terra – I get asked this question on almost every interview and by every mom. It’s all rooted in that “Identity” place. Most girls are being branded, objectified, and they're really confused about what it means to be a woman. There’s all of these competing voices and then there's the old-school longing to be known, seen, and loved. So, whether it’s eating disorders, trying to be what others want them to be, or people-pleasing, it goes back to the root of fighting for a sense of identity. 


Courtnaye – So true. It’s so important for our girls to know who they are in Christ, but also to stand firm in that truth. Now Terra, let’s talk about confidence. How can our daughters be confident in Christ? Can you give a couple of examples? 


Terra – Yeah. One of them is through experiences. Oftentimes, moms want to come in and rescue our girls rather than see it as an opportunity for them to lean in and grow towards, "What does God say about me?" 


Courtnaye – Yes! 


Terra – Also, as women we know that life is good, but it’s hard. I want these girls to be confident in God, know how to ask for help, and know that it’s okay to be human. God is not expecting us to be super women, but He is expecting us to come to Him and let Him be God. 


Courtnaye – So good. And you’re right. Life can be hard. I tell my own daughter that life is hard out here. The world can be cruel. This leads me to my next question which is what do you think we need as moms to raise confident daughters?  


Terra – I think we need to be honest about our own journeys with our girls. I’m guiding moms to have real conversations and show their girls where God’s Word meets real-life humanity. I’m calling moms to be the woman that you long for your daughter to be. I’m calling moms to be honest about where you are, where you’ve made mistakes, and what God has been teaching you. It’s not about perfection, but we can get there with honesty. 


Courtnaye – Yes, so good. Honesty and transparency, right? Being open and true with our girls. And you’re right, we’re not perfect as moms. We make mistakes and our girls are going to make mistakes, too. But we can go to God and confess where we are and work through it together. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Amen! Well, let’s move on a bit further because we’ve been hinting at your courses from The Christian Parenting Guide: Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters. I think this is going to be so beneficial for us as mothers, today. Can you share some of the topics that you cover with us?  


Terra – Yes. We cover topics like body image, how to sustain healthy friendships, what do boundaries look like, how to build trusted relationships, what does dating look like, and the fruit of the Spirit. Also, for high schoolers, we’re also talking about suffering and how to come alongside their friends who are wrestling with hard things like parents going through a divorce, and social media. So, we cover the gamut – anything you want to talk to your daughter about, it’s in there!    


Courtnaye – I love it! It’s loaded! Now Terra, I want to go a little bit deeper into the topic of how some kids are walking away from the church. How can your courses help us safeguard our homes and kids, while helping them to stand firm in their faith?  


Terra – Great question, Courtnaye. I would say in these courses you’re helping your daughter to discern who did God make her to be and what is His voice really saying to her? And it doesn’t mean that she might not go on her own journey of doubting, but you’ll be more confident knowing that she’s got the Word of God in her, she knows He loves her, and she knows how to do real-relationship, and those are vital to staying connected in the body of Christ for the long haul.   


Courtnaye – That is so rich! Also Terra, you have a book that’s entitled, Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace. In the book, you share about your own personal story of an eating disorder, in particular, bulimia. How can your book and the courses help our daughters who may be facing things like this? 


Terra – Yeah, so I share my story with bulimia and the connection is emotions. I have a chapter on, “You’ve Got to Feel It to Heal It.” Our bodies hold our emotions. So, if we can help our daughters regulate and understand that emotions aren’t the enemy, but that they are God-designed (we have an emotional God). It’s what we do with our emotions. 


Courtnaye – Right. 


Terra – Oftentimes, having a few trusted safe people (hopefully, us mamas are one of those) where our daughters can process them and move through to the other side – they’ll be more confident when they move into life. And when they feel despair, disappointment, or alone, they won’t panic and go to some of those unhealthy coping strategies. Instead, they’ll say, “This is a part of being human. It’s an emotion. I’m going to feel it to heal it. I’m going to talk to God, a couple of my safe people, and watch it move.” 


Courtnaye – I love that. And you’re right, as women, we are emotional. I think this segment is good for us as moms, but also for our daughters too. All of this is so good! Again, get the courses dear reader and grab her book. Well, before we close, can you share an encouraging word today, Terra? 


Terra – Yes. My word of encouragement is to trust that God knows you. I believe that God is raising up a generation of women and daughters who are going to be resilient and who can stand firm when God says, “I see you. I know you. And I have a plan for you that can’t be thwarted. So trust Me even when the story and plan looks pretty fuzzy.” We all can be courageous and stand confidently as women.   


Courtnaye – Terra! That was a word!


Terra – Amen!


Courtnaye – Wow! That was so encouraging! Thank you so much for sharing that with us. So, how can we get the courses and connect with you further?   


Terra – The easiest way is to go to or Also, if you have older daughters, get the book, Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace. You can get it anywhere you buy books. I’m also on Instagram @terramattson. 


Courtnaye – Thank you so much, Terra! Connect, connect! ;-) 



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July 2022


Name Color for Nicki K_edited.png

Living a whole life 

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          ello there! I am so glad to be sitting down and talking to Nicki Koziarz today. She is a wife, mother, three-time best-selling author, podcast host from Lessons From the Farm, first-time generation farmer, Bible teacher, sought after speaker where she has spoken at events through Lifeway, Proverbs 31 Ministries, and has been featured on LifeToday and Awakening TV. 


Courtnaye – Welcome, Nicki! 


Nicki – Thank you! It’s an honor to be here. 


Courtnaye – Awesome! Well, we’re going to be talking about, “Living a Whole Life.” But before we get started, I want to quote you on a powerful statement, “I believe we are on the verge of revival with God in our homes, communities, cities, nation, and the world. I want to see people whole, confident, and becoming all God intended them to become through the power of understanding the Bible.” I love this so much! Nicki, tell us. What does it look like for a woman to be whole?


Nicki – That’s a good question. The reality is that each of us have different things that break us. I think we have to understand our brokenness before we can begin talking about wholeness. For me personally, I’ve walked through a lot of grief in the last four years of my life, where I lost pretty much my entire family with the exception of my dad (and within the span of two years).


Courtnaye – Wow!


Nicki – It was a really difficult time. It brought up a lot of childhood wounds, mother wounds, and father wounds – lots of wounds that I didn’t even know were there. It took taking time with the Lord to understand things that were making me feel so completely broken. 


Courtnaye – Gotcha. (nodding)


Nicki – I remember, there was a time when I was getting ready to go out to teach, I was laying on the floor in my prayer closet and I said, “Lord, I know your word says that you are all of these things to all of these people, but I just don’t feel like you’re good to me or that you’re with me or for me. I feel like you’re so against me right now.” That's when the Lord had to show me the brokenness that I had with Him.  


Courtnaye – Yeah (nodding). 


Nicki – So, understanding my brokenness, but then also understanding that my husband was not my Savior. My counselor was not my Savior. My ministry was not my Savior – only Jesus is the One who could make me whole again. So, in past four years, the Lord has shown me what it really means to be whole with Him. But Courtnaye, I’m still in a process with it. 


Courtnaye – Being whole is definitely a process. Nicki, thank you for sharing this with us – so transparent. For a moment, I want to talk about being confident in our calling as we deal with hard things in life. How do we do this?  


Nicki – You know, right before this interview, I saw something that shook my confidence (laughing). We have things that will try to shake our confidence all day long. But I think confidence comes from a place of identity. So, as a writer, speaker, and communicator, I have to go back to saying, “No! I know who God created me to be. I know the voice that God has given me.” 


Courtnaye – So good! 


Nicki – I also think one of the greatest ways to do this is by understanding our personality, wiring, and gifts. What’s so beautiful about the Kingdom is that there are so many seats at the table with diversity, different voices, and teaching styles (that's who God created us to be). The people that you’re going to reach are the people that God put there for you to reach and the people that I’m going to reach are the ones that God has called me to reach.     


Courtnaye – Right! 


Nicki – It’s understanding who we are, but then it’s also learning to champion other people. And Courtnaye, you do this really well. It’s about not letting comparison threaten you and make you feel like there’s not enough pie to go around for everybody. I believe these two things can really help keep us grounded – knowing who we are and cheering other people on


Courtnaye – Amen! Now Nicki, let’s shift a bit. You are doing a lot of things! You are a farmgirl, podcast host, speaker, author, and you’re also a mom and wife. Tell us what your devotional life looks like and how do you balance it all? 


Nicki – We’re all dropping the ball somewhere on something. But Courtnaye, the best advice somebody ever gave me was probably about 10 years ago. It was at a point when I was just getting into ministry, speaking, and writing, and my kids were little. I just felt like every day, I was falling apart over something else (laughing). Yet, this person told me, “Nicki, you’re going to drop a ball every single day. You’re not superwoman. But the key to staying consistent in life is to not let the same ball drop two days in a row.”


Courtnaye – Gotcha!


Nicki – So, if I drop a ball with one of my kids today, then I know tomorrow I can’t drop the ball. If I drop the ball with my husband today, then I can’t drop the ball tomorrow. It’s the same with writing. That has been the best advice that I’ve gotten, and I’ve really tried to live by that. 


Courtnaye – Nicki is dropping nuggets! Thank you so much! Now, you have a new book that’s coming out, but you also have a book that’s entitled, Flooded. What’s the main theme throughout this book that can help women right now to live a “whole” life?


Nicki – If I could sum it up in two words it would be, overcoming doubt. It’s based on the life of Noah. If anyone had the right to have doubt, it would’ve been Noah because he received this massive God-assignment – which made no sense to anybody around him. Yet, somehow he was able to push through. He not only obeyed, but lived out his legacy in such a way that God would pick him to be in the Hall of Faith (see the book of Hebrews) for us to look at and say, “Okay, there are some things that I need to learn from his process. So, that’s what the book is about. The subtitle is The 5 Best Decisions to Make When Life is Hard and Doubt is Rising. It just helps us to walk in the posture of faith. 


Courtnaye – I love it! I was actually just thinking about Noah yesterday. Sometimes in life we do face doubt. We sometimes find ourselves saying, “What if I do this and it doesn’t work? What if it fails?” So this is good. Instead of walking in doubt, like you said, we need to walk in the posture of faith. Grab her book Flooded, dear reader! Okay Nicki, tell us about your new book that releases in 2023!


Nicki – (smiling) Actually, this will be the first time that I’ve talked about it publicly!


Courtnaye – Ooooo! Exclusive! 


Nicki – Yes! The book is called, Your New Now: Finding Strength and Wisdom When You Feel Stuck Where You Are. It’s based on "transition." As a woman, no one ever taught me how to transition well. No one ever taught me how you finish or stick a season out a little while longer. No one ever taught me how to grow in every season that you’re in. Again, I went back to the Bible and I found someone who could teach us some lessons about transition and it’s Moses. It releases March 2023, but it’s on Amazon right now. So, you can pre-order it!  


Courtnaye – Awesome! Grab it dear reader! I know I’m going to grab it because it sounds like a really great book! Thank you for giving us an inside peek. Before we close with an encouraging word, you have a podcast called, “Lessons From the Farm.” As I mentioned earlier, you’re a farmgirl. What are some of the topics that you and your guests share on your show?


Nicki – Well, you were one of my guests on the show! We’ll have to link it here. But normally in a series, the listeners will get a Bible teaching from me (I love teaching the Bible), but I also bring on guests and we talk about what we’re learning. That’s why it's called, Lessons From the Farm. We record here on my Fixer Upper Farm. The next series is all about learning their process.


Courtnaye – I love that! I also love the fact that you are a Bible teacher. Can you share an encouraging word with the readers today? 


Nicki – Absolutely! If I only had one message to give someone for the rest of my life, it would be the message of perseverance. In the book of Galatians, it talks about us not growing weary of doing good, for at the right time, we will reap the harvest that God has for us (see Galatians 6:9). So if you’re reading this today and you feel like you’re just not sure if you want to keep going with God anymore, I feel like the Lord is saying, “There is a new harvest that’s coming. It’s a new season.” I also feel like God is telling us to not quit, don't throw in the towel, don't walk away from the church or from people who challenge us or even from the assignments that He has given us, because it’s time to rise up for such a time as this like Esther. 


Courtnaye – Yes!


Nicki – And I will tell you, the second you make the decision to persevere with God, be ready for the opposition! But remember, every ounce of opposition presents the opportunity for God to display His power through you. So, as we approach the broken down car, the bank statement that doesn’t line up with the bills, growing something or trying something new while feeling all of this opposition around us, we've got to shift it! We’ve got to say, “This is an opportunity for me to see God’s glory and His power on display in my life, so that others will see it and testify of His goodness as well."  


Courtnaye – Wow! Preach Sister! I love it! What a powerful word of encouragement today! Thank you so much Nicki! I want the reader to connect with you. 


Nicki – I love to hang out on Instagram more than I do anywhere else! I’d love to connect with you there, but I’d love for you to visit my website where there are tons of FREE resources and blessings to speak over yourself and your family at It’s also a great place to find my books and Bible studies that I’ve written as well.


Courtnaye – Yay! Grab, grab, grab everything! Nicki, you have been an amazing blessing to us and I pray God’s favor over your life this year and your new book! 


Nicki – Thank you, Courtnaye!


Courtnaye – Absolutely!



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for Busy Christian Women in 2022

June 2022



Living well with Karen 

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

       elcome! Join me as I sit down to talk to powerhouse producer, award-winning actress, highly sought-after speaker, and an avid environmentalist, Karen Abercrombie! She is a Parents' Choice Award winning storyteller, award-winning independent film producer, and is best known for her award-winning portrayal of the spicy, 80-year old prayer warrior, Miss Clara, in the Kendrick Brothers film, War Room, Karen has an impressive body of work under her belt. She also has her own independent film production company called, Earth Mother Entertainment LLC. Her first film, ‘Discarded Things’ has garnered five Best Actress awards for Karen's role in the film, two Best Picture awards, and three Best Supporting Actor awards (view on Amazon Prime, Pure Flix, YouTube TV and a few other streaming platforms). Karen's latest project is one that has been a dream of hers for a very long time – which is a new non-profit organization that is called, “The Village is Alive.” The organization makes creative arts available to children and adults in under-served communities. 


Courtnaye – Hello! How are you Karen?


Karen – Oh, I am so good. So happy to be here with you Courtnaye.


Courtnaye – Well, I am so excited that you are here! And wow! You are doing so many amazing things, Sister! Now, a lot of us know you from the amazing movie, “War Room,” where you played alongside Priscilla Shirer. How was the experience working with the Kendrick Brothers? 


Karen – It was wonderful! They are what you see. These gentlemen are really good people who are on fire for the Lord, and they strive to live a life according to the Lord’s direction. They walk the talk. 


Courtnaye – They do! I love their films and I cannot wait until they come out with another one. Their films are definitely biblically sound. Well, we know the movie is centered around prayer and we also know that prayer changes a lot of things as it relates to marriage, children, and just all of the things that we go through in our lives, but also to communicate with God. 


Karen – Yes (nodding).


Courtnaye – Karen, I’m going to shift for a moment. With many of us doing all-of-the-things, self-care is very big for us as women. I know you have a new self-care program. I’d love for you to share more about it. Can you tell us about it? 


Karen – Yeah, it’s called, Living Simply, Naturally, and Well. For me, it was important for me to wind down from the busyness. I needed to stop and just focus on sometimes doing nothing. The Lord says, “Rest” because it’s restorative. It gives you time to meditate, think, and even plan.  


Courtnaye – Yes. 


Karen – As a young actress, I was so concerned of aging out – playing different roles (that can weigh heavy on you). But with War Room, Father God (Daddy) said, “Hey girl, you’re playing an older woman. You don’t have to worry about aging out. Your Father has you. And you’re going to use your skills. So step up in there and play an 80-year old woman. Daddy’s got you!” God can use you at any age or stage. I’m in my 60’s, so be encouraged.


Courtnaye – So good! 


Karen – He said, “My timing is perfect. My plans for you are perfected and filled with love, hope, and everything that you could possibly need. I’m your Father and I love you.” And so, I want all women to hear this and walk in that – knowing who they are in Christ. We are more than enough. The things that He’s placed in you and each one of us is fresh and new.  


Courtnaye – Yes! I love that! 


Karen – And it’s for such a time as right now. In your make-up, there’s something that you have that no one else has to give to the world. We’re all here on assignment. Your ups and downs, struggles, and everything that He brings you through is refining you and preparing you for all that He has for you ahead. 


Courtnaye – Amen!


Karen – I tell women when I speak, “Who better to speak to someone about overcoming drugs or alcohol than someone who has overcome drugs and alcohol.” Go and tell someone what He’s done for you. Because if He’s done it for you then He can bring them through it, too. So when He’s brought you through it, then you can speak and encourage someone else. 


Courtnaye – Right.


Karen – We've also gotten so separated from nature. God created it, first. It’s extraordinary, mind-blowing and mind-boggling. I love nature. I would love for people to just reconnect and respect what God has created and given to us.


Courtnaye –Yes!


Karen – So, it’s a lifestyle - Living Simply, Naturally, and Well. Wellness is a result of us taking care of ourselves, others, taking care of this incredible planet, and spending time with Daddy. It's also letting the Word sink in and not just being able to recite it (not impress other people by knowing the verses), but live the verses. 


Courtnaye – Mhmm!


Karen – That’s what the walk is about. It’s living it. We are the church walking – the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. That is the church walking. It’s not a building. So all of these things that I call a lifestyle - they make room for wellness


Courtnaye – Wow! I love your vision, your heart, and your passion. Personally, I love nature, too. I love the trees. And I love sitting by the lake. It’s just a quiet place for me to be with the Lord and simply be still from all of the busyness. This is all self-care.


Karen –Yes!


Courtnaye – Now Karen, you also have vlog on YouTube with the same title. Let’s talk about that!


Karen – Actually I started it, but the Lord is sending me other opportunities (I only have one video up). Soon I will add others, but I don’t know when. I’m not going to put that pressure on myself, because we do that. We say we have to have this out by Monday or by Thursday. But no more. So whenever I do get to it, I just want Him to flow through me and direct me in what to say. And there you’ll have it. 


Courtnaye – That is freedom! I love it! Because I’ll tell you, we do get that way. It’s just a hamster wheel that has us going, going, and going. It frazzles us. So thank you for giving us that freedom. Well, Karen, I know you are an award-winning actress and I know there will be some women reading and watching this cover who may want to know how to break into this industry. Do you have any advice or wisdom for women who are aspiring actresses or maybe for those who have already tapped into it?


Karen – Study. Perfect the craft. For me, when I step onto a stage, because I love LIVE theater (I prefer that over movies because it’s just the energy in that room)! But before I do that or step in front of a camera or sit down to write, I get myself ready. Because all of that is worship for me. When I step out to use the gifts that God has given to me, that’s worship. It’s between me and Him (even though I’m saying someone else’s lines). So, perfect your craft and do it unto Him. That will also help you not do projects that you shouldn’t be doing. 


Courtnaye – That’s wisdom right there – knowing what God wants you to do. I love that! So study and perfect your craft, dear reader. Well, I always like to end with an encouraging word for the women reading or watching. Do you have an encouraging word to share today, Karen?


Karen – I would say, learn to trust and lean on God like you never have before. Also, seek that one-on-one relationship – not your mother’s relationship, not my relationship, not Priscilla’s relationship, or anybody else’s relationship – yours. He created you because He wanted to spend some time with you. So stay open and go deeper and deeper, and see that He is good. He loves you!


Courtnaye – That is so encouraging! He loves us. Thank you so much, Karen. Well, I would love for women to stay connected and find out more about what you’re working on right now. How can we stay tuned? 


Karen – Well, I’m working on a couple of projects right now. God is just rolling the stuff in and in an amazing way! And He’s allowing me to produce. I have a Christmas movie that will be coming out and it will be playing on PureFlix from something I wrote and I’m acting in it. So, November 1st is when it will start running. They also came back to me for a romantic comedy! That will run for Valentine’s Day.


Courtnaye –Wow! Awesome!


Karen – My website is and I’ve got two Facebook pages to follow me. 


Courtnaye – Perfect! Sounds great! Thank you so much for being here, Karen. I appreciate your time. I know you are a very busy woman, and I am so grateful for you and all of the things that God is doing through you! 


Karen – I am grateful for this connection! I love you. 


Courtnaye – I love you too, Sister! 



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for Busy Christian Women in 2022

May 2022



creative ways to connect
with god 

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

       was so delighted to sit down and talk with Asheritah Ciuciu for this month's cover story! What a gentle-spirited woman of God who loves spending time with our Heavenly Father. Asheritah is a bestselling author, national speaker, and host of the Prayers of REST podcast. She is a Romanian missionary kid, who is passionate about helping people around the world enjoy Jesus through creative spiritual habits. Asheritah is married to her high school sweetheart and together they raise their three spunky kids in NE Ohio. 


Courtnaye – Welcome Asheritah! How are you sister? 


Asheritah - I am doing well (smiling). Thank you so much for having me Courtnaye!


Courtnaye - Absolutely! Well, I know a lot of women are excited to learn more about this topic, especially as it relates to spending quiet time with God. So, let’s go ahead and dive right in! Asheritah, what is your favorite way to connect with God?


Asheritah – I think it depends on the day (laughing). For a long time, I’d get stuck in a rut of just kind of doing the same thing. Right now, one of the things that I enjoy doing to connect with Him in the morning is listening to a prayer podcast (not my own). This gives me time to just set my eyes on Jesus and fill my heart and mind with Scripture before I do anything else. 


Courtnaye – That’s so good. You know, the morning time is a great time for me, too. I'd have to say that it’s one of my favorites. I love getting my coffee first thing in the morning and then asking the Lord, “How was Your night?” After that, I start journaling (which kicks off my devotional time with God in prayer and the Word). Asheritah, why do you think it can be challenging to get into our quiet time with the Lord, today?


Asheritah – I think there are a few things that are obstacles to a thriving prayer and devotional life and one of them is distractions. Even when we do sit down to pray, read the Bible or to journal, it’s easy to get distracted the first 45 seconds in. We start thinking, “Oh, the laundry needs to get switched over to the dryer” or “I need to remember to send that email in for work.” In our own minds, we are distracted. 


Courtnaye – So true. 


Asheritah – And then there are external distractions like our phone pings or checking one quick thing on Instagram, which then turns into 13 minutes later (where you’re still looking at cat videos). I also think it’s our own expectations. Like, we picture this ideal quiet time with the mug of coffee, candle, flowers, while the kids are still sleeping or playing quietly. Yet, we need to understand that there is no formula or expectation. 


Courtnaye – Right. 


Asheritah – So I just want to start by saying lay aside the spiritual To-Do-List and embrace the invitation where Jesus says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.” 


Courtnaye - Yes!


Asheritah –  It's going to look different in different seasons and it will require some creativity, especially in a busy hectic life. And that’s okay because God’s Spirit is within us, and He’s going to guide us through it.


Courtnaye – So good. That is so freeing. We need to get rid of the spiritual To-Do-List. Yessss! I love that! Now, I know you’re a mom and you’re busy doing a lot of things for the Lord, but how do you make time for quiet time around your kids? 


Asheritah – There was a season when it was my first time being a mom and my prayer time with the Lord would be the first time I got into my car for the day. So, whether I was driving to a doctor’s appointment, grocery shopping, or to a playdate – the first time getting into the car would be the trigger. I linked my prayer time to clicking in my seatbelt for the first time every day. 


Courtnaye – That's creative. 


Asheritah – So I would say, link it to something that you’re already doing and make it tiny. Then at the end of the week, look back. If you’ve read your Bible four days out of seven, celebrate those four days. It’s things like this (and that I’ve done in my own life) that have created rhythms of spiritual habits that lead to a life of joy instead of guilt and overwhelm.


Courtnaye – Awesome! I love that - tiny habits. Are there any other tips that you’d like to share from your guide? 


Asheritah –Yes. The guide you’re referring to which is 120 Creative Ways to Connect with God actually came from my reading of a book by Gary Thomas entitled, Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God. For me, my kitchen sink faces west and I can see the sunset. So when I see the sky light up with a blaze of God’s glory, I just put down the dish sponge for two minutes to walk out onto the deck and sit with Jesus to admire His handiwork.    


Courtnaye – Beautiful. You know, there’s such a variety of ways to connect with God. Asheritah, before we get out of here, can you share an encouraging word, today? 


Asheritah – Yeah, a verse that I’ve been meditating on recently comes from Psalm 46 and it says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear.” And the psalmist goes on to list, “If the mountains crumble, if the oceans roar” – if the worst happens…we will not fear. So whatever that blank looks like for you – what is your worst-case scenario? Is it relationships, finances, or health? Rest in assurance that because God is our refuge and strength, we do not have to fear. We have Him to run to and rest in His loving presence. 


Courtnaye – No fear, dear reader. You heard it from Asheritah and the Word of God. Now, you also have a new book coming out that's entitled, Prayers of Rest and it's full of daily prompts to slow down and hear God's voice. I’d love for the women reading to grab it and connect with you online and social media. How can they connect with you?


Asheritah – Absolutely, all of the written encouragement is found at Also, you can find me on Instagram at Asheritah, but you can also find all of my links on my website and


Courtnaye – Awesome! Connect, connect with Asheritah, today. Get her new book and thank you for joining us. ;-)



Download "The Ultimate Guide to Connect with God"

(Over 120 Ideas)

Joanna Weaver Headshot 4_edited.jpg
April 2022



having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          o glad that you are here with me for another blog cover story! I am sitting down and talking to the beautiful and sweet-spirited Joanna Weaver. She is a wife, mother of three, speaker and award winning author. Joanna is the author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, which has sold over a million copies. Other books include Having a Mary Spirit, Lazarus Awakening, and a devotional, At the Feet of Jesus. Her books and companion DVD Bible studies have been used by hundreds of churches as well as home groups and individuals. So grateful to have her here to share with us today. 


Courtnaye – Welcome Joanna! How are you?


Joanna – I am good. It’s such an honor to be on your show. Thank you for having me. 


Courtnaye – Oh, thank you so much for taking the time to share with us! Well, as you know, we're going to be talking about, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World today. A lot of us are super busy as moms, wives, and some women are single who are working and doing all the things. This is such an important topic because busyness just happens. Joanna, can you share why it’s so important to make time to spend with the Lord? 


Joanna –  You know, God created us for relationship. He chose us to be known by Him and to know Him. And so whether we’re Mary or Martha, that’s the invitation. But I think choosing to make the time for it, is the challenge we all face. I always like to say start small, but begin. 


Courtnaye – So good!


Joanna – And don’t put so many “shoulds” onto your time with the Lord that it becomes a burden. He never intended for it to be a burden. Once we begin to taste and see that the Lord is good, we’ll just want more and more. 


Courtnaye – So true! Now, I’m going to shift a bit, because as we talk about the busyness of life, I want to ask. Have you ever burned out in ministry, Joanna? 


Joanna – I would have to say, “Yes!” There have been those moments, but it’s been more of days when I’ve been doing really good and then I’m not. 


Courtnaye – I get it. 


Joanna – I like to say that by God’s grace, He allows me to coast for a little while, but it’s His grace that allows me to hit a wall. Yesterday, I hit a wall. I’m writing a new book that comes out in August on trusting God. And I’m really excited! Yet, I’m also having to live it too, right? So there are days when I’m a woman of mighty faith, but then there are days when I wake up and everything is cloudy. Yet, once again, I’m brought back to the feet of Jesus. 


Courtnaye – I love that.


Joanna – Sometimes we’re just going so fast. There was a time when I was filming Bible Studies that were on Lazarus and Mary and Martha. There were overlapping deadlines (and we were missing deadlines). It was probably about six to seven years of intensity. I had to look at my life and go, “Wait a minute. This has been crazy!” And so, I set aside a year just to be quiet. I wasn’t going to do any big projects. But it was so funny because it felt like one foot was on the gas still, even though the other foot was on the break.    


Courtnaye – Wow!


Joanna – So I wasn’t necessarily doing any forward movement, but inside, there was this fanatic pace. I needed help. I prayed, “Lord, help me find the still point.” I was living at that fanatic pace that even when it wasn’t required anymore, I couldn’t get my soul still. It became this period of time of learning to breathe. Like literally taking a deep breath. So just breathe and rediscover the good, good Father. Because He’s a good shepherd. He never drives us, He leads us. 


Courtnaye – I love this! Burnout is indeed real. So just breathe dear reader, just as Joanna encouraged. Okay, so you also talk about the treadmill of life in your book. Can you unpack that for us a bit?


Joanna – Well, for me, it was the treadmill of performance. I had so many expectations for myself. As a pastor’s wife, which God called me to be when I was 16 years of age (and I love it), there's a whole lot of expectations and I know what I ought to be. So I can get onto this treadmill of performance – trying to be all things to all people. Trying to be the perfect mom, wife, the perfect online person, and there are so many “shoulds" that are on us. But once you buy into that lie that we have to perform for purpose or value, then it is a terrible taskmaster. For me, somehow, I had even transposed that onto God (that I had to perform for Him). But I was saved by grace. 


Courtnaye – Yes!


Joanna – He wasn’t the taskmaster – I was. He wasn’t demanding more of me. I was the one demanding more of me. That was the treadmill that I was on – going faster and harder. Yet, God was just saying, “I’ve got a better way.” So it’s not just the grace that saves us, but it’s the grace that changes and empowers us. It’s the power to do and want God’s will. As I learned to link my heart to that, where it's coming out of that place of acceptance, rather than trying to strive for acceptance - it's changed everything. And I can't say that I've got it down, but that fear of not being enough in God’s eyes was definitely broken. 


Courtnaye – So good! We are enough. You know, Jesus said, “I’ve come to do the Father’s will, not my own.” He also said, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest…learn from me.” 


Joanna – I think of that verse and it comes back to the “living room” again and that intimate friendship that Mary enjoyed at Jesus’ feet.


Courtnaye - Yes!


Joanna - Martha was busy serving in the kitchen and she was using her gifts. In the Bible, the word that they use for “preparation” in the Greek can be translated as “ministry.” She was doing ministry. But she was distracted by all of the preparations. 


Courtnaye – Right. 


Joanna – Also, the verse where Jesus says, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” And they’re like, “But wait a minute, we did all of this. Look at all of the works we did for you.” Yet, when it was all said and done, Jesus said, “I don’t know you.” Now, of course, He knows us because He made us. But that intimate friendship that we were made for – the garden intimacy. If we miss that, we may miss it all. 


Courtnaye – Such a valid point! He saved us for close fellowship. Of course, for salvation from our sins, but also to restore the right relationship with the Father and to have the friendship with Him. This conversation is so refreshing. Well, before we get out of here, Joanna can you share an encouraging word with the women today? 


Joanna – Yeah. You know, looking at my laundry list of things, every single one of them are important, Courtnaye. There is not one that doesn’t matter. They’re all crucial. But I want to encourage all the girls out there that He has not set you up to fail. He’s called you, set you apart to know you, to fill you, and then to spill you to the world that He’s put you in. And that He's going to be with you every step of the way. Just trust in Him. 


Courtnaye – Wow! So good! We have got to get your new book too which is entitled, Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God. Pre-order it here dear reader!


Joanna – Yes! I would love that! 


Courtnaye – Well, Joanna thank you so much for being here and sharing. You’ve been such a sweet treat for us! I also want to encourage women reading or watching to grab your book, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. But also how can the women connect with you? 


Joanna – Yeah, I’m at I’m also on Facebook and Instagram at Joanna Weaver. I would love to connect with you there. I also have The Living Room Podcast where I have some wonderful guests that I’d love to share with you. And if you’re interested in being a part of my online community that’s called, “The Living Room with Joanna Weaver.” It’s my private Facebook group. I’d love to have you join me there, as well. 


Courtnaye – Awesome! Connect, connect dear reader. Until next time, let’s be intentional about spending time with God. 


Download Courtnaye's 4-Week Devotional

"Trusting God" FREE!

March 2022



Enduring Faith for families
in today's culture

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          elcome to another blog cover story! This month I am sitting down and talking to my sweet sister-friend, Sara B. Anderson. She is a wife, mother of five, ministry leader, author, speaker, attorney, Christian apologist with her Masters of Divinity in Christian Apologetics, life coach and founder of Fruits of Faith Ministries.  Sara uses her education and experience to empower parents to raise the next generation of faith on the firm foundation of God's truth. She provides the necessary tools and knowledge to help mothers reach their goals by supporting four pillars of a strong biblical family: Bible Literacy, Biblical Marriage, Parental Authority, and Early Child Training. Join us in the conversation!


Courtnaye – Hello Sara, how are you my friend?


Sara – Hello Courtnaye! It’s so good to be here. 


Courtnaye – Awesome! Sara, you are very passionate about keeping families biblically strong. Today, we're talking about, Enduring Faith for Families in Today’s Culture. Why is faith and family dear to your heart? 


Sara – Well, I have five kids and I care very deeply for my kids. What we care about becomes our passion, right? So while raising my children, I realized something is changing from past generations. How we raise our children today has to be different because culture has changed. Although the enemy's tactics haven't changed, the tools that he's using has changed. And we have to do something about it. 


Courtnaye – For sure! I agree. Social media is one of those modern day schemes and tactics. Sara, do you have some tips for us as parents on how to keep our kids grounded in their faith with all of these apps like Snapchat and TikTok at their fingertips (on their phones)? 


Sara – Yes. We want to get to our kids between the ages of 0-12 and fill them with the truth and beliefs from the Bible. If we do that, then our job when it comes to TikTok will be a whole lot easier. If we haven’t done that, then God will redeem the time, but we need to start today. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train them up in the way that they should go.” 


Courtnaye – Right. Amen. 


Sara – Also, limit the exposure. When they get between the ages of 12-24, we have less proximity to them. They have more independence. It’s going to be much harder as they get older. So start young, limit exposure, and continue to ask your children questions about truth which is built on faith and not on evidence. 


Courtnaye – So good! What does it look like for you to sit down with your kids to help them have enduring faith?


Sara – There's a lot of conversations. My daughter and I love apologetics. This is what I have my degree in. However, I want to say that apologetics is not arguing someone into the faith. Instead, 1 Peter 3:15 tells us that we are supposed to be prepared to give an answer for the hope that we have, which is Jesus and the promises of God. So I would encourage parents to read C.S. Lewis books. There are so many good resources out there. When we do this, we will be so equipped when we’re having these conversations with our kids. For me, it’s making sure that my kids know truth. 


Courtnaye – Thank you for taking us into your home and sharing how you teach them to endure in their faith. So in a nutshell, it’s reading the Word of God, having conversations, teaching, training, but also asking them questions. I love it! I have two teenagers, so I know about the importance of those conversations. With that being said, how can you help women prepare their families to have enduring faith as we await the return of Jesus Christ?


Sara – I would say, we can’t pass down what we don’t know. As parents, we have to learn Scripture so that we can then pass it down to our children. For a lot of people, it’s intimidating. There’s no manual for parenting. And sure, we have the Bible, but God doesn’t expect us to be experts. Yet, He does expect us to be authentic and transparent with our kids. So, we need to teach them the Bible as we know it and walk through it together. 


Courtnaye - Good stuff! Sara, do you have a Bible verse to share with the women? 


Sara - I love John 14:6, where Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Jesus is truth and He will show us the way. The only way we can be free is through truth. And there is only one truth and that’s Jesus Christ. He is the Word. 


Courtnaye – Yes, He is! Now before we go, let’s talk a little bit about your book entitled, The Best is Yet to Come. Also, how can we prepare and endure in our faith considering the times that we’re living in? 


Sara – Jesus is coming back soon. While we don’t know when Jesus is going to come, we still need to prepare today to be ready at any moment. Knowing this doesn’t mean that we can just assume that we’re not going to have to suffer for Christ or make difficult choices, now. We’re witnessing a convergence of Matthew 24. This is what the book is about. 


Courtnaye – The best is yet to come! Amen. So, no matter what, we want to be ready. In the meantime, we’re watching, praying, reading, and preparing our households to endure unto the end. Sara, I always end with an encouraging word for the readers. Do you have an encouraging word today?


Sara – Yes, I want to tell the readers to remember that God loves you very much. He is calling you in this moment to seek Him, so that He can open Himself up to you regarding His knowledge and truth. Submit your life to Christ, today.


Courtnaye – So good! Thank you so much for being here today. How can women connect with you? 


Sara – Sure. They can find me on and I have a ministry called Fruits of Faith Ministries. I’m also on Facebook and Instagram.  


Courtnaye – Also, grab Sara’s Christian Parenting Toolkit for FREE that is loaded with helpful links to help you train up your children with biblical truth. Don’t forget to check out her book below. Thanks so much for being here Sara!



Download FREE

"Christian Parenting Toolkit"

February 2022



Marriage & Ministry

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          ey Sis! It's time for another cover story! This month, I am sitting down and sharing marriage tips with my hubby who goes by the name, Calvin "Go Hard" Richard. Join us as we share on Balancing Marriage & Ministry as it relates to...


  • Understanding the Demands of Ministry

  • Dealing with Conflict

  • Doing Ministry Together

  • The Importance of Intimacy & Sex While Balancing it All

  • Date Night Ideas

  • How to Help One Another

  • Balancing Family Time

  • And More!


The written transcription is coming soon and don't forget to grab your FREE "Successful Wife Toolkit" below...


Click the Image to Download It!

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January 2022




By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          ey Sis! As we go about life, along the way, we have dreams, hopes, visions, and things that we believe God is calling us to do. We sit back and think, ponder, and envision what life could be like if we began walking in what we’ve dreamed, hoped for, seen, or believed. It’s fun and tough to imagine at the same time, especially if they haven’t happened yet. Today, I am praying and believing God that whoever sets their eyes upon this post that The Best is Yet to Come.


Yep! I am praying and believing that for you and for me. I don’t believe it’s by chance that you either clicked onto this post, opened it up from an email, or seen it on social media. I believe God has you on His heart and mind, and He wants you to know that He knows exactly where you are and what you’ve been praying for. He also knows what’s best for you and the perfect timing for all things to be revealed.


And listen, Sis. Even if you don’t get what you think you wanted, guess what? God will do what is truly best for you. Don't forget, the best is yet to come, which means that something great is still on the horizon! With that being said, let’s talk briefly about what this encouraging phrase means and where it originated from. 


It’s actually from a British poet named Robert Browning (1812-1889). The quote “The best is yet to come” was a line from one of his poems. And it’s amazing that in the same poem there is a line that reads, “Trust God.” This amazed me when I saw it, because “Trust God” is actually my phrase (instead of a word) for this year! Every year, most people pick a word or phrase to live by. What’s yours? 


As you think about it, let's move along. 


It’s also good to see what it means by definition. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, the phrase is defined as good things have happened, but even better things will happen in the future. In other words, life is good now, but the best is yet to come. Isn’t that encouraging?


In addition, further defines it as whatever is happening now will be surpassed by something better in the future. It also goes on to say, “The best things have not come, but it will.” This phrase in a nutshell means things are good now, but the future will be even better! I love it! 


For me personally, this phrase resonated with me the moment I first saw it. It has kept me hopeful. Dreaming. Praying. And trusting in the One (God) who brings forth the best for His children. 


So, what are you waiting on God to do in your life? If you’re married, what are you hopeful for? If you’re a mother, what are you praying for regarding your child or children? If you’re single, what have you been dreaming about? If you’re simply a woman who is waiting on the Lord to do something amazing related to your profession or purpose (like me), then keep trusting Him to move in the best way (also, listen to this song (after) you finish reading this post. ;-) It’s by Maverick City Worship entitled, “Wait on You”).


Again, the phrase, “The Best is Yet to Come” is an encouraging one. And it’s one that is shared on social media, wall-art, coffee mugs, journal covers, devotions, you name it. I think it’s just a little creative reminder that God is still at work behind the scenes preparing His best for us while we wait.  


Just like heaven.


Jesus said in John 14:2, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” First Corinthians 2:9 also states, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” These are beautiful promises and glimpses of what is yet to come. 


It is coming to all of those who love God and have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Have you done this yet? If not, I pray that you will. And if you have already, awesome! 


Remember, the best is yet to come!


Also, remember that Jesus Christ is coming back soon. And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So, let’s be ready from the Inside Out!




Question: What are you waiting on God to do in your life? Let me know by emailing me. 


Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly and I will pray for you at


If you haven't subscribed yet to receive my weekly blog or updates, please sign up here. I talk about real life topics for Christian women who want to grow in their walk with the Lord, endtimes, and equipping women to do what they are called to do. So stay in the know in every way.





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"Life Management Planner for Busy Christian Women"


Taking the Leap Podcast Image.jpeg
December 2021



Taking Leaps into Your Calling with Focus & Balance

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          elcome to another blog cover story! This month I am sitting down and having a chat with my sister-friend, who I talk to just about every day, Rachel G. Scott. But before we dive into our candid and lively conversation I want to tell you all about this dynamic woman of God! Rachel is a devoted wife, mother, author, and speaker. She has written on platforms such as Huffington Post and YouVersion. She is also a guest co-host/partner with Moody Radio Cleveland, and she is now the host of her NEW podcast called, Taking the Leap with Rachel G. Scott. Join us for the conversation.


Courtnaye – Hello Rachel, how are you? 


Rachel – Hi Courtnaye! I am so excited to be here with you!


Courtnaye – Yay! I'm excited too! Just to give a little backstory. Rachel and I met through Dr. Saundra B. Dalton Smith’s Mastermind, maybe a couple of years ago, and we’ve been connected ever since. 


Rachel – Right!


Courtnaye – Now Rachel, we talk every day, don’t we? (laughing)


Rachel (laughing) – Yes! We do. We are each other’s accountability partners. 


Courtnaye – So true. Okay, so let’s get started with our topic today which is, “Taking Leaps into Your Calling with Focus and Balance.” Why is having focus so important for us as women?


Rachel – Focus is important in order to get things accomplished. I think as women, there’s so many different things that we want to do and that we feel called to do. Yet, we have so many other things pulling on us, as well. And the enemy tends to distract us. Yet, focus is essential to getting things done.


Courtnaye - Amen! So Rachel, how do we regain focus when we lose it? 


Rachel – Awareness is key. Meaning you have to be aware of what focus looks like for you. For instance, think about that moment when you were most focused and then find your way back. 


Courtnaye – That’s good. You know, one of the things that helps me to regain my focus is silencing my phone, putting on some instrumental worship music, and letting my husband and kids know that I will be out of pocket for a couple of hours. And then I just get after it! Sometimes we have to be that intentional.


Rachel – Yes! 


Courtnaye – Now, let’s talk about these leaps. You have a devotional on the YouVersion Bible App and it’s entitled, “Taking the Leap.” Tell us more about it. 


Rachel – Sure. For starters, I remember praying and asking God, “What does it look like for people to honor you when taking leaps or moving from one space to another?” In that quiet time with Him, He gave me five different types of people in the Bible who took leaps that didn’t look all the same. One was Abraham which is the Shepherd Leap, the Disciples which is the Fisherman Leap, Nehemiah which is the Builder Leap, the Apostle Paul which is the Tentmaker Leap, and Jesus which is the Trailblazer Leap


Courtnaye – Wow! Awesome! (reader, to learn more in depth about each leap, please watch the full interview below and download her devotional on the YouVersion Bible App). Okay, so let's move on even further. If people are stalling or if there is a delay or setback as they're trying to take leaps in their lives, ministries, or businesses, how do they press through? 


Rachel – Obedience. What I tell myself all the time is “Obedience is a non-negotiable.” When we make obedience a non-negotiable, then we won’t stall or delay. We have to get to a point that what God has called us to do is not something that we negotiate. When His voice becomes the most important voice to us, that’s when we’ll begin moving forward in what He’s called us to do.


Courtnaye – Agreed! Obedience is better than sacrifice. I love it. Okay, so let's shift into balance. We’ve both taken leaps and signed with literary agents and are working on book proposals for traditional publishing. As a writer, how are you balancing out writing with your life at home?


Rachel – I’m still learning. To me, balance is knowing what to move forward and what to pull back on. It’s saying, “This is what I need to focus my attention on, now.” But I know balance is a process. In my journal, “The Balanced Life Journal, I talk about seven specific areas where we can find balance. For instance, what do I do for my community, family, myself, future, or finances? Doing one thing in each of these areas will help us live balanced lives.


Courtnaye – Awesome! So let's dive into talking about your new podcast which is called, “Taking the Leap with Rachel G. Scott.” Woohoo! And who are some of the guests that you’ll have on your show?


Rachel – I have to say, this was a leap! (laughing) But I am super pumped about it! Of course, you’ll be a guest on the show sharing your amazing story. I also have Shawn Bolz who is a TBN host. He'll be sharing on how he took a leap into the Christian entertainment industry. Michelle Myers who is the founder of She Works HIS Way, and then there’s Brooke McGlothlin who is the founder of Million Praying Moms


Courtnaye – Wow! I love it! You'll also have Carla H. Hayden from Hope*Writers and Mindy Kiker from FlourishWriters and Misty Philip with Spark Media Ventures.


Rachel - Yes, yes! 


Courtnaye - Well, we're almost at the end here, can you share an encouraging word with the women, today? 


Rachel – Absolutely! One of my favorite Scriptures which is 2 Thessalonians 1:11 says, “So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all of the good things your faith prompts you to do.” I love this because we don’t have to be afraid of the leaps that He’s going to call us to make or the unknowns. Whatever He calls us to do, He is going to equip us. 


Courtnaye – Amen! Now, before we wrap up, we want to let everyone know that we’re going to be collaborating on a new endeavor in the Clubhouse app. This endeavor is called, “B4Women.” It will always be 4 women talking around the topics: Bible, Business, Balance, & Branding. We're the hosts, but we'll be rotating guest co-hosts throughout the year, which includes summits. So, if you’re reading this and you’re on the app, search for our new club and join us. If you’re not on Clubhouse yet, please check your phone app store, and we look forward to seeing you in there beginning January 2022! Okay, so lastly, how can women connect with you, Rachel? 


Rachel – I can be found on Instagram and Facebook under “iamrachelgscott.” Also, everything else can be found on


Courtnaye – Yay! You also have a freebie today, which is a mini audio course called, “Distractions vs. Me.” Grab it, grab it dear reader! And thanks so much for joining us, today! 




"Distractions vs. Me" - Audio Course 

(After clicking the "Download Here" button,

scroll to the bottom of Rachel's home page to grab it.)

November 2021



an inside look:
faith & family


By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          t’s that time of year again. It’s Thanksgiving time! In this month’s cover, I am sharing with you my family. Yep! I’m going inside to ask them two questions and it’s quite simple. What are you most grateful for in this season of your life and what’s a real life insider fact about our family. Let’s go inside…






October 2021


become the woman 
god made you to be

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          am so excited to sit down and talk with my sister-friend, pastor’s wife, mother, speaker, and author, Simi John. She is a contributing writer for DaySpring’s (in)courage, author of the inspiring book entitled, I Am Not: Break Free from Stereotypes and Become the Woman God Made You to Be, and sought-after speaker. Simi was born in India, but now resides in Norman, Oklahoma with her husband Jason and their two beautiful children. 


Courtnaye – Welcome and how are you, Simi John?


Simi – Hi Courtnaye, I’m doing good!


Courtnaye – Awesome! I'm so excited to talk to you today about identity and purpose. Simi, this is an area that you are very passionate about. For starters, can you tell us why is it so important for women to know who they are?


Simi – Yes. I always say, if you don’t know who you are, you cannot live out your God-given purpose. As women, as Christians, as children of God, especially today, we need people living out their purpose. The world needs us, and so we are the ones that know the truth that can set them free. If we are living out our God given identity and purpose, our world will look better and God will be glorified in and through us. 


Courtnaye – Simi, you have a book entitled, “I Am Not.” I want to know more about the inspiration behind the title. It’s like a declaration! 


Simi – (smiling) That’s exactly what it is! It’s a declaration. When I was writing the book, my son was three (you know, like the “three-nage” years). It’s like craziness with all the sass and attitude. No matter what I would tell him, he would keep saying this phrase, “I am not!” I would say, “Honey, you’re too tired.” And he’d say, “I am not!” I’d say, “Honey, you are too small.” Again, he would say, “I am not!” Whatever, I would try to put on him, he would say, “No, I am not!” He knows who he is. 


Courtnaye – Amen! That’s awesome!


Simi – As we go throughout our lives, as we grow up in this world that is broken, we have experiences. We have people who speak negatively over us. We have social media and TV media telling us narratives that this is what women are like. Women gossip. Women always compare themselves to each other. Women are naïve. Women are emotional. When we recognize this and live according to Scripture and the way God designed us and who Jesus has called us to be, then we’re able to break free from these narratives and say, “I Am Not!”


Courtnaye – I love it! Knowing who we are and declaring it! Yes! I would say this is a good segway into my next question which is, what if someone doesn’t know their purpose? How do they know it? How do they even prepare for it?


Simi – I think that’s the number one question on Google. What is my purpose? But if we go to God instead of trying to go through personality tests or trying to figure out where do I fit in, then we are able to better hear and understand Him when He says, “This is the way, walk in it.” If we stop focusing on trying to figure it out on our own and by ourselves, and we look to Him and seek Him, then we’re able to understand our purpose. 


Courtnaye – So good! He will reveal it to us. Simi, do you feel like you’re walking in your purpose?


Simi – When I released my book, I was like, “Yes! I’m living out my God-given purpose!” Because it felt so big. It felt so good. But then God asks us, “Are you being faithful today with your kids and your home and with the house that I’ve given you - with the job I have given you and with the people in your world today? Are you being faithful?”


Courtnaye - Ooo, yeah. 


Simi - That’s what our hearts should want because we want to hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Not “famous” servant. 


Courtnaye – Come on! Amen!


Simi – This is not about me or my platform. This is about God. Wherever God wants me to be, I’m going to show up. I’m going to be faithful. I’m going to live out my purpose. 


Courtnaye – So good! I love how you put purpose into perspective. This is not about being famous. It’s all about being faithful to what God has called us to do. Yes! Simi, before we close, can you give an encouraging word or word of advice to the women reading, watching, or listening today?


Simi – Sure, I would give them the same advice that my dad gave me that has stuck with me since high school. He said, “Your life is bigger than yourself. It’s bigger than just you being happy and having a good life.” He told me to always be kingdom-minded. That means that I get to make an impact through the people that I get to see every single day. So, I live with my eyes wide open and look for opportunities. So, if you want to know who you are and your purpose, keep your eyes open and know that you were made for more than just to be happy and live in this world and to go through your daily routines. You were made for more! 


Courtnaye – What a word! Thank you so much! I so, appreciate you!


Simi – Thank you!


Courtnaye – Dear reader, definitely grab her book on Amazon. Before we head out, Simi how can women connect with you and for speaking?


Simi – They can connect with me on Instagram under my name Simi John. That’s my favorite place on the Internet and my website is I have some free resources on purpose and identity. 


Courtnaye – Awesome! Thank you so much Simi! I so appreciate you for being here and taking the time. 


Simi – I am so honored! Thank you so much!




September 2021

Making a kingdom impact through acts of kindness

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          ey, my dear reader! This month, I'm excited to have a refreshing conversation with kindhearted Becky Keife who is the community manager for DaySpring's (in)courage! Becky is also a popular speaker and author of the book, No Better Mom for the Job: Parenting with Confidence. But today, we're going to be talking about her NEW book entitled, The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Difference. Becky and her husband live near Los Angeles, where they enjoy hiking sunny trails with their three spirited sons. 


Courtnaye – Hello Becky, how are you today? 


Becky – I am so good! Thank you for having me.


Courtnaye - Absolutely! Well, let's go ahead and dive right in! Becky, I know you are the Community Manager for DaySpring's (in)courage. For the readers, what is (in)courage?


Becky- Sure, so (in)courage is an online community for Christian Women. We have 30 writers. It was started 12 years ago by DaySpring, which is the product subsidiary of Hallmark. We’re all about building community, celebrating diversity, and becoming women of courage. We do this every day online by sharing our own messy stories and shining a light on how God meets us there. I’m so grateful and love the (in)courage community! 


Courtnaye - I love that it’s your personal stories of what God has done in your lives. I also love how you all lead us back to the Word of God so that we can grow in Him. Dear reader, make sure to get connected with DaySpring and (in)courage. Okay, so Becky, you have your NEW book entitled, The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact. For a moment, can you tell us what has the (in)courage community taught you about kindness? 


Becky - If I could boil down what I have learned through the (in)courage community, it’s that our words matter. Sometimes we feel like we don’t have a lot to give or don’t have a lot of money, or a lot of time. But the power of simple words, it’s just so amazing! I feel like that is one of the greatest kindnesses that we can give each other. 


Courtnaye – So good! Kind words can definitely make an impact. Can you share with us how you've been able to see kindness in your own daily life? 


Becky- Yeah! So I’ve been walking with the Lord for a long time - 35 years. But if I think about all the ways He has worked in my life, I feel like His kindness has been transformative. To realize that the way God reaches into our everyday lives is a reflection of His character. His kindness has transformed my life. 


Courtnaye - Amen! Becky, in the book you write about showing intentional acts of kindness. What does that actually look like? 


Becky- For me, intentional acts of kindness is like this openness to the Holy Spirit and being aware of the needs of others. Maybe that intentional kindness is bringing a meal to a friend who you know is just having a rough week. Maybe it’s bringing in the trash cans for your elderly neighbor. Maybe someone is on your heart and you wonder how that person is doing. I have a neighbor and she is at least 80 years old. She is amazing! I found out recently that her husband passed away, and I kept thinking I should invite her over. 


Courtnaye – Good idea. 


Becky - We’ve lived across the street for eight years and it has never moved beyond, “Hi, how are you?” So I thought, who cares if it’s awkward! I’m just going to go over there, ask her, and the worse she could say is, “No.” Now, she has come over twice and we have had the best time sitting on my back porch with coffee. 


Courtnaye – Yes!


Becky - I want to intentionally love the people in front of me. 


Courtnaye - Right. As I’ve been reflecting on scripture and your book, kindness is an act of love. In 1 Corinthians 13:4, it says, "...Love is kind." So when we show kindness to others, we are also showing love. 


Becky - Absolutely! He calls us to love one another as He has loved us, and it's how others will know that we are His disciples.


Courtnaye - So true. 


Becky - In a world where we see lots of division, discord, and heartache, sometimes we can feel like, “What can I really do to make a difference?” I believe small acts of showing up, giving that kind word, and stopping to pray for someone can make a difference.


Courtnaye - Amen! Showing those acts of kindness just goes a long way and makes a great impact, especially in a world where people are becoming colder and colder. Becky, what do you want the readers to take away or know after reading your book?


Becky - I would want them to know that God is ready and able to use them right where they are with exactly what they have. It’s not about necessarily going out of our way. We feel like we don’t have time, capacity, or resources to go out of our way to make a difference. No. Make that your daily prayer, “Lord, as I go on my way, have your way with me.” And then, see what He’s going to do. 


Courtnaye- That’s so good. That’s being led by the Holy Spirit like you mentioned earlier. Is there an encouraging word that you want to share with the readers or viewing audience before we close?


Becky- Yes. Remember, when it comes to kindness, prayer is not the least you can do, but our very best first response. It is such a gift to take each other’s burdens to the throne of grace. 


Courtnaye - Agreed! We’ve got to get your book! So, tell us how we can get it. 


Becky- Sure! You can pre-order the book anywhere books are sold. The book releases October 5th. If you pre-order, you will get the audiobook of The Simple Difference for free. You’ll also get the e-book of my first book, No Better Mom for the Job for free, and some Kindness Counts notecards from DaySpring. Also, go to and there will be a form for you to collect your pre-order bonuses.


Courtnaye – What a bundle! So much good stuff! Reader, we have to pre-order now! Woohoo! She also has a companion bible study called, Courageous Kindness which releases on October 5th as well! And don’t forget to connect with Becky online via Instagram @beckykeife and through her website at Thank you so much for being here, Becky. You are an amazing woman of God! Continue to do all those amazing things out there!  




August 2021

child sex trafficking:
A mother's fight over fear

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          elcome, my dear reader! This month, I'm honored to sit down to talk to my sister-friend, wife, mother, founder of Vigilant Families and Able Moms, as well as bestselling author of the book, Unraveled: Mothering Fiercely in a World Full of Fears, Amanda Florczykowski! This is a fierce mother right here! We are going to be talking about her real-life story of how she experienced child sex trafficking firsthand and how she fought her way through to protect her own daughter, but also how she's helping families around the world fight back. Join us in the conversation.


Courtnaye – Amanda, thank you so much for being here. 


Amanda – I’m so grateful to be here with you, Courtnaye.  


Courtnaye – Awesome! Well, let’s go ahead and dive right in. Amanda, you actually experienced child sex trafficking firsthand when your own child was ripped from your arms in a grocery store. Can you tell us what happened that day?


Amanda – Yes, of course. In 2016, I believe I was a victim of a four-person child sex trafficking ring. It was pretty much like any other day. I'd dropped my older kids off at school, but took my two younger ones (who were close to three years old and an infant) to the store. While I was wrapping up my shopping, I collided with this other shopping cart. At the same time, I could tell that the gentleman that I'd collided with was really intentionally wanting to engage me. He started asking me questions about my children, and I noticed that he didn't have any kids and he wasn't there with his wife, so I just rerouted myself.   


Courtnaye - Gotcha. 


Amanda - But when I turned into the aisle, I remember looking over my shoulder and seeing him still standing there, staring at us. To me, that was bizarre.


Courtnaye – Right! 


Amanda – After that I rolled towards the checkout line and there was this couple that I let go ahead of me. Immediately, the woman struck up a conversation with me. Then all of a sudden, she got incredibly and physically close to my family. She started asking me questions about my daughter, specifically her age. She asked me three times. As she asked, she was also talking to the man that she was with in another language. I realized that she was interpreting what I was saying to him. 


Courtnaye – What? Oh, my goodness!       


Amanda – At that point, all of the bells and whistles are going off. And we know as believers, the Holy Spirit is communicating with us. What I tell moms now when I’m at speaking engagements is trust that gut instinct, because the Holy Spirit exponentially prompts us to trust our gut as mothers.


Courtnaye – Right. 


Amanda - So I picked up my daughter and I held her close to me. But then the woman asked me, “Can I hold your daughter?” I said, “No. You can't hold my daughter.” Next, this woman is pulling my daughter from my arms and starts stepping away with her. 


Courtnaye – Oh my goodness! 


Amanda - She grabs my daughter’s hand and parrots, “Okay, wave bye-bye to mommy.”


Courtnaye – What?


Amanda - So as a mother, in that moment, I was thinking this isn’t reality! I was thinking do I put my hand on my son to make sure he’s okay (who was still in the basket) or do I lunge forward and grab my daughter? I was trying to figure out how to do this. To date, praise God! I have my daughter. 


Courtnaye – Amen!


Amanda – I’m very grateful that my story didn’t end differently. But now, I’m able to talk about child sex trafficking advocacy. 


Courtnaye – Your story actually went viral with 60 million views from a post that you shared! How did you feel when your story went viral? 


Amanda – Absolutely terrified! When my husband called and told me that my post went viral, I wanted to run and hide as fast as I could, because you have no idea who is on the other side of that computer screen or what you’re opening yourself up to. I was fearful of our family’s safety and reputation. I didn’t want to be a spokesperson for this. But then my husband told me, “You have to understand that if God is opening this door, you can’t close this door.” So I spent some time with the Lord and I asked Him, “Is this what you want?”


Courtnaye - Yeah (nodding).


Amanda - And He gave me the verse in Proverbs 24:11-12 that says, “Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die. Save them as they stagger towards there death. Don’t excuse yourself by saying, ‘Look, we didn’t know.’ For God understands all hearts and he sees you. He who guards your heart and soul knows that you knew.” So God asked that of me and it was very clear, "Take the next step, write the book, share, talk, and speak." Because the equivalent of not speaking would be the equivalent of bending down to a little child and saying, “I’m sorry, but you need to find someone else to help you.” And I couldn’t do that. 


Courtnaye – Amanda, this is a calling. I know it was a tough situation to be in, but God is using it to help so many people. And now from your testimony, came a book and it’s entitled, “Unraveled: Mothering Fiercely in a World Full of Fears.” I have to say, I love the cover! What was the inspiration behind it?


Amanda – Funny that you should ask, because it was very strategic on my part. We’d suffered an astronomical house fire that damaged everything, our son drowned in a pool, yet was miraculously revived, and then to top it off with this situation and a miscarriage, life was just unraveling. So truly, this was a picture of what God does with all of us when we get to that place of ultimate unraveling. But I had to say, “Lord, I surrender. You do with this what you want.” 


Courtnaye – Surrender is what He wants from all of us. I believe that’s when He can do His best work. It's when we give it all to Him. In the book, you also talk about “Mom-Fears.” How can we overcome them?


Amanda – Great question. When I was writing this book, I posed this question to mothers and asked, “Explain to me, what is your greatest fear in motherhood?” And I got a myriad of answers because many of us have that genuine concern for our children’s well-being and safety. Whether they are 3 or 30.


Courtnaye - Right! 


Amanda - So I sat down with my Bible one day and I said that’s enough. Where is this fear coming from that seems to be overtaking me? Philippians 4:6 tells us, “Don’t be anxious about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace.”


Courtnaye - That's good.


Amanda - We live in this tension of being tempted by fear, but not being ruled by fear. Prayer is where overcoming starts. So, if we’re having anxiety or we’re worried about stuff, the only way to get peace is to pray with thanksgiving. And so that verse radically changed my anxiety levels, my peace, my perception of things, my gratitude, and my ability to go out and look at the world and start looking for things to be thankful for. I began to see God for who He is and not the “what if.” 


Courtnaye – I love that and I love how God gives us peace that surpasses all understanding after we let go of the anxiety and as we give thanks unto Him. Amanda, you also have a new ministry that’s called, “Able Moms.” Tell us more about it. 


Amanda – Oh, thank you for asking, Courtnaye. Able Moms is about equipping mothers to be capable in their practical parenting, unshakable in their faith, and memorable in their motherhood. We’re just equipping mothers to be great moms. Women can connect with us by visiting


Courtnaye – Awesome! Can you tell the ladies how they can connect with you online and for speaking engagements?


Amanda – Yes! Sharing this story and the word of my testimony is my part in overcoming the evil of child sex trafficking. So I would love to continue speaking about it. Women can buy the book and find out more about my ministries, Vigilant Families and Able Moms at


Courtnaye – Amanda, thank you so much for being here and sharing your story.





July 2021

Motivation in the Background

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          elcome, my dear reader! This month I had the fun honor of talking to my long-time friend and personal "Motivator" in the background, Marilyn E. Powell. I believe we all need someone or some people in our lives who will help push us, encourage us, and motivate us when we simply don't feel motivated to do all-the-things in life, ministry, or business. Marilyn lives by the standard of living life to the fullest and from a positive perspective. Without a doubt, she is always excited to come alongside current and prospective entrepreneurs to help them develop an entrepreneurial mindset, while crushing their goals in life and business (and ministry). Marilyn prepares, plans, and is persistent to the finish! Join me on our conversation and grab three great motivational tips with a FREE Bonus at the end.


Courtnaye - I am so excited to talk about “Motivation in the Background!” Welcome Marilyn! 


Marilyn – Thank you, it’s good to be here, Courtnaye. (smiling) 


Courtnaye - Again, I am so excited to talk about this topic and have you here today, because we are friends! We’ve been friends for over 25 years (almost 26 now), and we met in college. But you are my girl. You're also my behind-the-scenes girl that I’m bringing to the forefront. With that being said, we’re going to go ahead and dive in.   


Marilyn – (laughing) Okay!


Courtnaye – So Marilyn, when I call, text, or inbox you (most of the time, I inbox you) and I say, “Marilyn, I don’t feel motivated! I don’t feel like doing anything. I have all of this work to do, but I just don’t feel like doing it.” How do you help pull me out of that rut?


Marilyn – Well, first I hear you out. I fully listen to what’s going on, which is usually a lot! (chuckling)


Courtnaye – Right!


Marilyn – After listening, I clarify what I’ve heard just to make sure that I know the goals that you’re trying to achieve. By that time, we’re already talking through it. Once we get that momentum going, it’s uphill from there. And then, I’m always looking for the positive aspect in everything!


Courtnaye – Right, you never let me stay down. If I ever say, “I don’t think I can do this. It's too hard.” You always tell me, “No, it’s not hard. It’s challenging." Because if I look at it (i.e., the task or assignment) as if it’s too hard, then I’m even more so not going to want to do it. You also say, "Do it. Get through it. Get it done.”  


Marilyn – Yep! 


Courtnaye – You not only encourage me, but you pray for me, too. And let me just say here to my dear reader. While you may see me doing all-of-the-things (speaking events, blogging and putting out resources), I have someone who motivates me in the background, especially when I don’t feel motivated. That's when we have to pull in what I call, “Reinforcement.” So Marilyn, how important is it to have a motivator in the background


Marilyn – It’s extremely important to have a friend, mom, or coach to share your ideas and challenges. Also, the people in your circle (who you look to for motivation and inspiration) need to be hand selected. You need to be particular about who you have in your circle.  


Courtnaye -  I agree, 100%. Now, I want to talk about some of the tips. I would say Tip #1 would be to pray. Actually, for me, before I reach out, I pray. I’ll say, “Lord, I just don’t have the motivation.” After that, sometimes He’ll help me and pull me through, but other times, He’ll use people. That’s when I’ll reach out to you via Facebook messenger, and I’ll wait for your response. And you’re a night owl. So even if it’s midnight, you’ll get back with me and say, “Okay, tell me what’s going on. Did you get through it? How can we push through this?” 


Marilyn – Right. Also, I want to say that when you’re not feeling motivated, just rest (Tip #2). Pray and be still. Don’t jump into it. Just be still and you’ll hear the next steps. 


Courtnaye – I like that! Now, Tip #3 would be to set a day to plan out your schedule with your “Motivator in the Background” (i.e., your coach, mentor, friend, etc.). Talk about it. Lay it out. Decide together what needs to stay on or come off of your schedule. 


Marilyn – It’s all about prioritizing. You need to think about what needs to be done right now, because what impedes motivation is distraction and overwhelm. While we may have long lists and things that we want to get done, we have to focus on what’s needed now. I like to say review, sort, and prioritize your list and then move forward and get things done. 


Courtnaye – I love it! What I like to do is have my top 5 high priorities listed for the day. And I call them, “HP5.” I list them each out and then sometimes I'll slip in about 3 low priorities. 


Marilyn – Gotcha. 


Courtnaye – Okay, so Tip #4 is coming from my motto, “Nothing happens until you start moving.” My kids are saying it now. So listen dear reader, nothing is going to happen until you get started (i.e. that ministry, business, brand, program, book, change in your marriage or kids, etc.). Whatever you’ve got to do to get moving and motivated, do it. Start praying. Crack open the bible and go deeper. Go to that women’s conference. Sign up for that training. 


Marilyn – Absolutely, I agree. 


Courtnaye – Marilyn, you have a Mastermind Group coming up. Tell us more about it. 


Marilyn – Yes, of course. It’s a Mastermind Group through my company Success InSight. It’s a 6-month program with like-minded individuals coming together to share ideas, give input, and work through challenges. It’s a time that has been set-aside for a group of people who are ready to begin moving forward. 


Courtnaye – Well, you will definitely get them moving forward. I know it! Okay, now tell us how women can connect with you and sign up for the Mastermind Group.


Marilyn – Sure. They can learn more on I’m also on Instagram @marilynepowell and Facebook as Marilyn Powell. 


Courtnaye – Awesome! Connect dear reader! She also has a FREE resource with 25 Motivational Prompts entitled, “Motivation with Marilyn.” Grab it today, here!   





Connect with Marilyn E. Powell Online

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  • Facebook




June 2021

podcasting from  a kingdom perspective

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          elcome, my dear reader! This month I had the honor of talking to powerhouse podcast host, author and speaker, Misty Phillip of Spark Media. Misty is a dreamer and doer who believes that we are all here for a reason and that we are created for a purpose. She is the founder of Spark Media, host of By His Grace Podcast and author of "The Struggle is Real, But So is God." Join us on the conversation. 


Courtnaye – Welcome Misty Philip! How are you?  


Misty – Hey Courtnaye, I'm great! Thanks for having me here. 


Courtnaye – Absolutely! Well, let's go ahead and dive right in. Misty you have your podcast, By His Grace, can you tell us how you became interested in podcasting? Tell us a little bit about your journey. 


Misty –Sure. God called me out of Enron (the workplace) to work from home and to lay my life down for my family and educate my boys. So I spent the next 15 years doing that. But when my oldest son went to college, I realized, “I’m in trouble if I don’t find something to do.” So, I started praying and asking God, “What’s next? What’s in the next season for me?”


Courtnaye – Gotcha.


Misty – That’s when the Lord called me to write and speak. I started writing the “Struggle is Real.” And it took me three years to write it because writing is not my gifting. It was obedience. But my son, who was in college and had a podcast said, “Mom, you’re struggling so hard writing, why don’t you host a podcast? You love to talk. You’re really good at that and I think you’d be amazing!” So I actually recorded my first 15 episodes in my hotel room at She Speaks in the pre-conference and in-between sessions. 


Courtnaye – Wow!


Misty – Yeah, there were all of these amazing women who had stories of struggles and I wanted to share their stories of how God saw them through. That’s how the podcast started out.


Courtnaye – Podcasting is such a huge deal right now! There are so many that are popping up. We're talking about, "Podcasting from a Kingdom Perspective" today. Can you tell us how this particular platform can help win souls, build the Kingdom of heaven, and encourage the body of Christ?  


Misty – Sure. The beautiful thing about podcasting is that it goes all over the world. It’s amazing where it travels. I started looking at where my podcast is popular. It’s in places where the gospel is not typically shared and I have a really large following in France, Africa, South America, and India. So I've seen how God has used my podcast. He has really shown me the importance of podcasting for such a time as this. And think about it. I could sit here in my home, in my study with my microphone, and I can share a word of encouragement, the word of God, and it goes out all over the world. It is amazing! We can fulfill the great commission from the comfort of our own homes. 


Courtnaye – I love that! It’s going far and wide! Now, you talk about various topics on your podcast, can you share some of them with us?


Misty – Well, I started the podcast based on struggles. So we talked about the loss of a baby, cancer, anxiety, and depression. After a while my husband goes, “Baby, these are all such heavy topics. If you don’t change the subject, you might lose some people.” So I started to lighten up a bit and started talking about the day-to-day struggles that we deal with like what is my calling, purpose, work, how to handle spiritual warfare, and just all kinds of different things. This year, I'm focused on topics that I’ll be covering in my new book about chasing your God-given dreams, being obedient to His call, and what He asks you to do.


Courtnaye – Awesome! Misty, do you have any tips for women who may be interested in becoming a podcast host?


Misty – Yeah, I would love to share some. The first thing is getting past the fear and just doing the thing! The next thing is to know your message and understand your “why?” Because producing content every week is difficult to be in constant creation. My “why” is to encourage women to seek Jesus, study the word, and to grow in grace. If I can keep that in mind when it’s busy and hard, that will keep me going.


Courtnaye – So good!


Misty – The next thing is who do you want to serve and what’s your core message? Spend time with the Lord and ask Him, "Who do you want me to speak to?" Also, you just need something to record; a computer, microphone, and something like we’re using, Zoom. 


Courtnaye – I love that! Pray and know your who, what, and why? Misty, what types of microphones would you recommend for podcasting? 


Misty – We have a saying in our house, “Buy high, cry once!” (chuckling) I use the RODECaster Pro and a pod mic. The reason I chose this is because it has a built-in pop filter and it produces a very rich quality sound. The RODECaster Pro video audio-face is about $600. The mic is about $99. I would go to RODE because they just make the best microphones. On my blog, I have lots of helpful tips and tricks about starting a podcast and what type of equipment to buy. There’s even a FREE eBook entitled, "Create and Grow a Stellar Podcast." 


Courtnaye – Yay! We’re getting the goods. Thank you so much! Grab that FREE eBook dear reader. Now Misty, I usually end with an encouraging word. Can you share an encouraging word with us, today? 


Misty – Yes. We all need to take our place in the Kingdom for such a time as this, because we are living in crazy days. Things have heated up on the Kingdom calendar and that means that we all need to be in position doing whatever the thing is that God has called us to do. Whether that is to serve people in our local church or neighborhood, speak, write, podcast, or cook meals for the sick. Whatever it is, we need to be about the Father’s business. If you don’t know, ask God. Because He does have work for us to do and He needs us all suited up every day with our armor on, in place, and doing the things that He’s called us to do. 


Courtnaye – Amen! What a powerful word! We got that charge. Thank you for that! Now, how can we connect with you. You also have a conference that’s coming up. Tell us more about it all! 


Misty – Yes! So the Spark Conference is taking place this year (June 22-June 24th 2021) at the beautiful Gaylord Texan Resort. And it’s not just for podcasters (even though it started out that way). It’s a trifecta with podcasting, writing, and speaking. We also have a Christian Podcast Award Show, too. Also, women can connect with me on and that’s where we teach and train podcasters. We also have virtual events and a collective/membership. My podcast and speaking is at And I’m everywhere on social media under Misty Philip, but my favorite place to hang out is on Instagram.  


Courtnaye – Awesome! Connect with Misty dear reader! Thank you so much Misty! Don't forget to grab the FREE eBook here and here is another great video with helpful podcast tips from Misty. It's entitled, "Grow Your Platform and Influence with Podcasting." 





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March 2021


By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          elcome, my dear reader! This month I had the amazing privilege of sitting down to talk to Joyce Smith, the real-life mom of John Smith, who experienced a tragic ice accident, but who also experienced the miraculous power of God! Many of us are familiar with the award-winning film, "Breakthrough" that was derived from her family's story. Please join me as we talk about the events surrounding his supernatural breakthrough! 


Courtnaye – So excited to have you here. How are you, Joyce?  


Joyce – I’m good and so excited to be here to talk to you, today. 


Courtnaye – Awesome! Now Joyce, just for the viewing audience, you are the mother of (at-the-time of the ice accident) 15-year old, John Smith. And we’re going to be talking about the events surrounding his accident. But before we dive in, you wrote a book about your family’s story. Can you share with us how that came about?


Joyce – Well, it was nothing we looked for. God just brought it and dropped into our laps. Pastor Samuel Rodriguez from Sacramento, California has a TV program and my brother-in-law was watching it and he heard him telling a story about John on it. But he wasn’t getting all of the details. So I found him on Facebook and I sent him a message and told him who I was and asked him if he wanted to hear the whole story – thinking I’ll never hear back from him again.


Courtnaye - Gotcha.


Joyce - Well, the very next day, I got a note back from him saying, “Yes! I want to know the whole story. Do you want to be on TBN?” Then I said, “I’d shout this story from the mountain top!”


Courtnaye - Amazing! 


Joyce - When we arrived (to the studio), there was a very nice young man that met us there. We talked to him for about 45 minutes, while we were waiting on Pastor Sam to get there. And then he looked at us as said, “I don’t know if you know who I am, but I’m Devon Franklin. I just produced the movie, Miracles from Heaven. I think I want this to be my next movie project."


Courtnaye – Oh my goodness! 


Joyce – I could’ve fell out of my chair!


Courtnaye  - Wow!


Joyce – I mean, God just opened up the doors! So he called me a couple of weeks after that and said, “I want you to write your book first and then we’ll write the screenplay off of your book.” That got the ball rolling. I wrote the book in 2017 and the movie was produced in 2018. So the book is named after the movie, “Breakthrough.” Pretty quick!


Courtnaye – Definitely pretty quick! It’s such a miraculous story and powerful movie. My family and I watched it in theaters and my husband and I just recently watched it again. We were just ballin’. As a mother, it really touched me, because the movie actually comes from your angle.   


Joyce – Yes, it does.


Courtnaye – So let’s go ahead and dive right into it. There was an ice accident involving your son, John. Can you tell us what happened the moments leading up to the accident?


Joyce – Well, he played basketball and after their team had finally won this one game, because they had been losing all season long, the boys came running up to me asking, “Please, please, please, can John come over tonight?” And so, how do you tell them, “No” after they’d just won this game? They didn’t have school, because that Monday was Martin Luther King's Day, so I said, “Yes.” 


Courtnaye – My youngest son was just asking me today if he can go and hang out with his friends this weekend. He’s actually waiting on my “Yes.” So, you agreed and then tragedy happens. Can you walk us through that day and the moment you received the news about the accident? 


Joyce – You know, God is so faithful. He always knows what’s going to happen (even before we do) and He prepares a way for us. I had just finished reading a devotion entitled, “In Times of Crisis, Who Do You Turn To? Do You Turn to God or Yourself?” As soon as I laid my phone down on the kitchen table (after reading it), my phone rang. It was Cindy Reiger, Josh’s mom. I was expecting her call, but not the call or the words she was going to speak. When she started telling me that there was an accident. I thought it was a car accident that she’d had, but it wasn’t. It was John. She told me that they were pulling him out of the icy lake and that he didn’t have a heartbeat.  


Courtnaye – Oh my goodness!


Joyce – It’s the telephone call that a parent never wants to get.


Courtnaye –Right!


Joyce – So I frantically ran around the house looking for my purse and my car keys to go to the hospital, which was about a 20-minute drive. On the way to the hospital, I was having a very in-depth conversation with God. People in other cars probably thought I’d lost my mind, but I was screaming and pleading with God for my son’s life! One of the prayers that I prayed was, “God, if my son is not where he needs to be with you, please give him a second chance.” 


Courtnaye – Wow!


Joyce – I believe that He is a God of second chances (we didn’t learn until later on that John wasn’t where he needed to be). So this was God’s grace and mercy that He was extending to John. 


Courtnaye – Amen.


Joyce – While I have three older boys, we’d already lost two children. We adopted John late in our lives, and this is the part of the story I think is just amazing. Had both of those children lived, we would’ve never adopted John and we would’ve missed out on something amazing that God had for us.


Courtnaye - So true.


Joyce - When they allowed me in the room where John was, they had been doing everything that they could possibly do to bring him back to life for 27 minutes. I could see the monitors there and the flatline. They were getting nothing.  


Courtnaye – Wow! 


Joyce – They finally told me that I could go and tell him my goodbyes. So, I walked over to him and the only thing that was uncovered were his feet. I got a hold of his cold and gray feet and I knew that I had to be desperate with God. We’d actually been doing a Bible Study by Beth Moore entitled, “Believing God.” So I started praying, “Holy Spirit please come and bring my son back!” Immediately, they got a heartbeat and a pulse! And the nurse who had been with him for 27 minutes was stunned. She was screaming, “I’ve got a pulse! I’ve got a pulse!” 


Courtnaye – Oh, my goodness! I got chills!


Joyce – At one point in time, the room just went crazy as they began working on John. 


Courtnaye – What a moment for a mom. The power of God!


Joyce – God was not only bringing my son back to life, but He was opening up hearts to turn to Him. There were several nurses who gave their hearts to the Lord that day because of what they had witnessed. So it wasn’t just another chance for John, but it was a chance for everyone in that room. 


Courtnaye – Praise God! I always say that when we go through hard times, it’s never just about us. There are people who are watching because they need to see the power, strength, and faithfulness of God and what He can do. So as you’re waiting and everyone is praying for John to wake up from a medically induced coma, tell us what was that like not knowing what God was going to do? 


Joyce – Well, let me back up for just a moment. Dr. Jeremy Garrett who was an expert in hypothermia and drownings (and a very amazing man) told me that if John lived, he would be a vegetable and that he probably wouldn’t make it through the night. I jumped out of my chair and said to him, “They told me that you’re the best. You do your job and my God will do the rest.” After that, I walked out into the waiting room and asked all of the pastors to come to John’s room to pray for him and that's when we began to see signs of movement.  


Courtnaye – Wow! Take us to the moment John began waking up. 


Joyce – The day John woke up, Dr. Garrett started asking him who’d won all of these different NBA basketball games. He answered all of his questions correctly! The doctor then asked John did he know what a miracle was? And John nodded his head, “Yes.” Dr. Garrett then told him, “You are a bona fide miracle!” It was unreal to watch this happen! 


Courtnaye – I could only imagine! So, Joyce. How is John doing today?


Joyce – Well, he’s been married for five months now. He’s working and going to school for ministry. He wants to be a pastor. I might add that he had to quit his basketball career, because he had too many concussions. He was devastated about it, but I told him, “Son, let me tell you something. You can only play basketball for so long, but you can coach for the rest of your life. And God has given you a platform that is second-to-none.”  


Courtnaye – Amen! I love that he is doing well. How are you and your husband doing?


Joyce – We are good. God is still on the move! 


Courtnaye – I love it! Well, this has been a faith-filled time, especially for us as mothers. Joyce, I usually end with an encouraging word. I know that there are times when people don’t see the healing or their loved ones come through, can you speak on this for a little bit before we close? 


Joyce – Absolutely. I get this question a lot when we’re out signing books and doing speaking engagements. And here’s what I say to them, "God may not answer our prayers the way we want them answered, but God always answers our prayers, because He’s faithful. It’s His DNA." So no matter what your circumstances are, they haven’t taken God by surprise. He knew and He will make a way, because He is a way-maker. So trust Him and believe who He says He is. 


Courtnaye – Amen! So good, Sister! Thank you for taking the time to share your family’s true-life story with us. I know it will encourage the readers and viewers. I would love for women to connect with you to speak or share your story?


Joyce – Sure! They can go to the and there is a speaking link. They can enter their information there and my pastor, Jason Noble will get back with them. 


Courtnaye – Sounds great! Once again, thank you, Sister! We so appreciate you. 


Joyce – Thank you, Courtnaye. 




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January 2021

Having Open Hands &

A Willing heart

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          elcome, my dear reader! This month I have with me the lovely and sweet-spirited, Vivian Mabuni, who is the author of the book, Open Hands, Willing Heart, podcast host of "Someday is Here," and speaker of a host of women's conferences, which includes, IF:Gathering. Her writing has appeared in Christianity Today, SheReadsTruth, Our Daily Bread, and Propel Sofia. With 32 years serving on the staff with Cru, Vivian loves teaching the Bible and practical application related to ministry and life. She loves drinking coffee with her husband Darrin of 29 years, and marveling at their three young adult kids. 


Courtnaye – Welcome Vivian! 


Vivian – Thanks, Courtnaye (smiling). Glad to be here! 


Courtnaye – Absolutely! I'm glad to have you here. So let's go ahead and dive right in! We're talking about your latest book, Open Hands, Willing Heart. Vivian, can you share with us some practical ways of how we can have open hands and a willing heart?  


Vivian – Well, open hands literally means that our hands are open and that God has the freedom to put things in our lives and also take things out. He is the One that we are surrendered to. For our heart posture, I think sometimes we get worried that God is going to send us off into some remote hut in the middle of Thailand and serve Him. So we’re afraid of that and have a hard time really surrendering. But I believe that "willingness" is what He’s after. So it’s not so much that we would go, but the willingness that we would go. It’s in that place where God is free to lead and direct us through His Spirit for the life that He wants us to live.    


Courtnaye – Amen. I love it how you talk about the willingness and surrendering with open hands. I actually have a rock where on one side it reads, “Trust Me.” Yet, on the other side it reads, “Surrender.” We just have to let go and let God. Let’s move on a bit. So you also talk about saying, “Yes” to God. What are the benefits of saying, “Yes”?


Vivian – Ultimately, the benefit is that we would know God better. And not just head knowledge, but that knowledge would transfer to our hearts and that we would live out an intimacy with the Lord. That far exceeds anything else. For anyone who has walked with God for any number of years would know, that even in the midst of the hardest times, God shows Himself faithful. We see His intimate care and concern in all the little details of life. It actually increases our faith and trust in Him. So that "Surrender" and "Trust God" (in reference to the rock), that's a real lived-out experience and not just a theory or someone’s opinion. 


Courtnaye – Mmm…so good!


Vivian – The second benefit, I believe, is that as we say "Yes" to the adventure of a surrendered life, we just have no idea where God is going to lead us. 


Courtnaye – So true. God can do a lot with our, “Yes.” Now, in Chapter 7, you also talk about “Accepting No.” Can you share more about that concept, today? 


Vivian – Yes. God is always working behind the scenes. A lot of times for me as a believer, when I approached God in prayer, for a long time, I associated His love and favor with a positive response. So if I’m asking for something and I keep on asking and He responds with “No,” I can misunderstand that answer to be an absence of love. I would search my heart and ask the question, “What have I done wrong that you would say, ‘No’?”


Courtnaye - Gotcha. 


Vivian - So I would see it as a very negative thing, rather than understanding that sometimes God will say, “No” even to those He absolutely loves. God the Father even responded to His Son in the Garden of Gethsemane with a “No.” When Jesus asked, “Is there any way that this cup can pass from me?” God said, “No.”(see Matthew 6:39)


Courtnaye - Right. I’ve found that when He does respond in that way, it's for a purpose, just as with Jesus and salvation. 


Vivian - To receive a “No” is probably one of the most difficult truths. But to grasp it and be able to hold onto the fact that His love, favor, and goodness don’t change. He would never say, "No" just to be harsh, cruel, or unkind. That’s just not God's character. 


Courtnaye – Amen! So true. Vivian, you also have a podcast called, "Someday is Here." Let’s talk about it and your passion for ministry, leadership, and this upcoming generation. 


Vivian – My podcast actually originated from the If:Gathering. The very first year that I participated in it, there was a point about “Dominoes.” The idea was that our domino would hit another domino and go on and on, and that we would pass on the faith and build into another generation. That captured me! So when Jenny asked what I’d written on my domino, I wrote to help raise up the next generation of Asian-American Christian women leaders.


Courtnaye - Awesome!


Vivian - When I think about the up and coming generation, representation matters. So the podcast is primarily for Asian-American Pacific Islander women where we’re exploring our faith, culture, stories, and our leadership. Yet, it’s also for non-Asians who want to learn about Asian-American culture. 


Courtnaye – Your vision is so niche and I think we can all learn something from what you talk about on your podcast. Well, we always end with an encouraging word. Vivian, can you share an encouraging word with our readers and watching audience, today? 


Vivian – I love that you provide this space for encouragement. We are still in a worldwide pandemic, our country is very fractured right now, and encouragement is what our souls really need. So the first word of encouragement I would share is to let the Bible be your primary source of spiritual nourishment. We spend more time reading books and devotions written about the Bible, but not the Bible itself. And what really feeds our souls is the Word of God, because it is living and active and sharper than a double-edged sword.  


Courtnaye –So good!


Vivian – Secondly, live life in community. We were built to live in community. So when we talk about fellowship and the importance of the church, we can’t live all of those truths out apart from being in real relationships, in real time, and with real people. So dive in and reach out. Take the steps to form those types of relationships.  


Courtnaye –I am all for community and I love a good fellowship. So, "Yes!" Now, before we go, how can we connect with you, get your book, and learn more about your ministry?


Vivian – I would love to connect with the listeners and readers. I am on Instagram and Twitter @vivmabuni. You can find my podcast, “Someday is Here” on all of the podcast platforms and my website is


Courtnaye – Awesome! Well, dear reader, connect with Vivian! Grab her book, listen to her podcast, and let’s learn how to say, "Yes" to God with open hands and a willing heart. See you next month!





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December 2020

fully known

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


          elcome my sister! This month I have with me the beautiful and fun-spirited, Jayne Patton who is the author of the book, Fully Known, podcast host of Sacred Conversations, and speaker of a host of women's conferences. Jayne loves Jesus, connecting with women by serving in her local church, women's prisons, and her online Facebook community, Altered Ministries.


Courtnaye – I am so glad to have you here, Jayne! How are you, today? 


Jayne – Oh, I am honored to be here. Thank you so much for having me. 


Courtnaye – Absolutely! As I always say, let's go ahead and dive right in. Tell us a little bit about yourself. 


Jayne – Well, I’m from a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. It’s home. I’ve been doing women’s ministry in the church, probably for the last 20 years. But as I went along, God began opening up opportunities to do Bible studies in the community with different denominations, and that’s when He quickened my heart to do more ministry outside of the church walls.    


Courtnaye – Gotcha! 


Jayne - During that same season, I was exposed to a ministry where the people were worshipping with such freedom. I remember sitting at a church that meets on Saturday nights that’s called “Misfits for Jesus.” As I watched them worship, I realized that they had more freedom than my denominational background typically exhibited in service. I remember looking around and asking, “Who are these people and how do they worship like this?” They began to share with me that they had just come out of prison, re-entry and recovery homes. 


Courtnaye – Ah, okay. Wow! 


Jayne – I remember thinking, I’ve got to be a part of this! So I started doing prison ministry in maximum-security prisons for women. I began to see real freedom found in places of real captivity. During that process, I was still ministering inside the church, but God was showing me that it was time to break away from traditional church settings. That's when I launched a non-profit ministry called, “Altered Ministries,” because that’s what Jesus does. He completely alters us – from death to life.  


Courtnaye – Amen!


Jayne – Now we work with recovery homes and support orphanages in our area. We believe in education, feeding, and clothing others all in the name of Jesus Christ. 


Courtnaye – I love that! It’s so good! This is living the Word of God – taking care of those who are in need. Serving the poor, visiting the sick and those who are in prison, and the widows. That is the Bible opening up and coming alive. This is what we’re supposed to be doing. 


Jayne – Yes! Jesus makes it clear where His priorities are and that’s what we want to be about. At our ministry, we want to be what Jesus was about. He came to set the captives free. We’ve also discovered that women are held captive in prisons of their own making. For instance, prisons of depression. Prisons of loneliness. Prisons of insecurity. And they wear masks. They live in these prisons. But Jesus came to set them free. So just as much as the prisoner inside of literal prison walls, He came to set the captives free inside of the church walls. 


Courtnaye – Come on now and preach! I love it! Amen! So, the Lord has given you a word for 2021 which is “Emerge!” How did God deposit this word to you? 


Jayne – Well, I do believe that when we sit quietly before the Lord, He does give us vision. So I was like, “God what do you have for me in 2021?” That’s when He dropped that word into my heart. Then I went to the Word of God and He led me to Job 23:10 which says, “Yet, he knows the way I have taken and when he has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold.” And then in Isaiah 49:9 it says, “You will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out! And those who are in dark dungeons, emerge. They will graze beside the roads and on the slopes, they will find pasture.’” 


Courtnaye – Mmm...So good!


Jayne – As I reflected on those verses, I thought 2020 has been a time of testing, shaking, purification, and it’s not done, yet! But I believe what He’s saying in Job is that He knows the way I have taken, He knows the isolation, quarantine, and the holidays – that we’re not going to be able to get together. He knows about the loneliness. But when we come out of this, we will emerge as pure gold! There is hope. 


Courtnaye – Woohoo!


Jayne – I think, this year for women, there has been a spirit of depression. As women, we are meant and designed for community. And Satan is a liar and a thief. This pandemic has stolen from us. But I think for 2021, we are coming out of those dark dungeons and we are emerging out of that! Jesus is the Shepherd and we are the sheep, and He is going to lead us among green pastures. That is my hope and I'm looking forward to it in 2021!


Courtnaye – What a word! What a word! Go God! Yes! 


Jayne – Amen!


Courtnaye – Now, Jayne you have book that’s entitled, “Truly Known.” So, what does it mean to be truly known?


Jayne – You know, I was raised in a denomination where I felt like I had to work really hard to get God to love me. I had to make sure that I never sinned and never screwed up. I mean, if I didn’t have my quiet time first thing in the morning, it was like the whole day was going to go poorly or I was going to fall out of grace - it was just this pressure! But when I heard the song, “Reckless Love,” I was enveloped by God’s love and He just told me, “You need to stop striving…I just love you.”


Courtnaye - Yes! 


Jayne - And while I know there was all of this controversy around the song about God’s love is not reckless - I know that. But I also know that God can use a crooked stick to draw a straight line. He used that song to minister to me and it changed everything for me. He truly knows us. And He loves us completely. 


Courtnaye – Amen! We are truly known by Him. Jayne, before we close, do you have an encouraging word for the women, today?


Jayne – I want the readers and listeners to have hope. Know that whatever you’re experiencing right now is not final and it’s not the end. Even if you’re facing a diagnosis that seems threatening or final or a relationship that is ending, more bills, or worries about Christmas - this is not it. There is hope. Look for the fingerprints of God, because He is with us. 


Courtnaye – Hope. So good! And if you’re ever in doubt dear reader, go to the Word of God and read scriptures on “hope.” The Lord is faithful to help! Thank you, Jayne. I so appreciate this! Now, how can we find out more information about your book, ministry, and all that you are doing?


Jayne – You can find me on I am also a speaker, so if you’re looking for a female speaker, contact me. I travel! I also have a Facebook page called, "Altered Ministries."


Courtnaye – Awesome! Get with Jayne, Sis! She is an amazing woman of God! Thank you so much! 


Jayne – I am so grateful that I met you and I can’t wait to bring you to St. Louis! I just think God has amazing things for us in 2021! 


Courtnaye – Woohoo! I can’t wait! 



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Available NOW!





November 2020
Cover Story

Staying Sustained

this holiday season

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          elcome my dear reader! This month I have with me, Katie M. Reid who is the author of the book, Made Like Martha, podcast host of the Martha & Mary Show, singer, and songwriter. She has written on several platforms such as Today's Parenting Blog, HuffPost, Focus on the Family, Crosswalk, (in)courage, LightWorkers, and so many more! She is also a wife and mother of five beautiful children. I'm so grateful to have this refreshing and enlightening conversation with her, today. Let's dive in!


Courtnaye - Welcome Katie! We have so much to talk about. You are doing so many awesome things in this season. You have a new book out right now that’s entitled, “A Very Bavarian Christmas” and we’re going to talk more about that today. It’s actually a novel. 


Katie – Who knew, right? 


Courtnaye – I know! (chuckling) And you’re a non-fiction author, but all of a sudden you decided to write a novel. So tell us how did you decide to write a fiction book?


Katie – Well, I never thought I would really. I mean, maybe as a young girl, I thought that would be fun! I used to read Robin Jones Gunn’s teen books, and I remember dreaming, “Oh, that would be fun someday!” But I just thought, “How do people who write fiction write so many words about things that they’ve made up?” It just seemed hard, but last season I watched a lot of Christmas rom com movies. And so I said, “I think I could do this.” 


Courtnaye - Gotcha!


Katie - Courtnaye, I started writing and it was so life-giving and just fun! I love writing non-fiction and I hope to write more, but when you’re writing something that’s fiction, there's just a lot of joy and freedom. It was a good pivot for my creativity. I think sometimes we can get stuck when we’re in a certain lane. Yet, sometimes when we just take a break or a refresher, it can unleash some of that creativity that might be untapped. 


Courtnaye – Absolutely! I love it! You know, I’ve never done a novel before, but I used to do a lot of creative writing growing up. I used to write a lot of short stories and so I always thought that I would write one of these types of books. So Katie, can you tell us a little bit more about the premise of the book? 

Katie – Well, the main character is Holly Noel Brigham, who is born on Christmas Eve. She used to love Christmas but after experiencing a tragedy that happened in her family right around the holidays, she's not a fan of Christmas. Unfortunately, her whole town, Bavarian Falls loves Christmas.


Courtnaye – Gotcha!


Katie – She also got an art degree in college, went to Chicago to try to make it, but things did not work out (just as her mom predicted), and so here she is back home for the holidays. She’s in her 30’s, single, and she’s applying her art degree by painting ornaments at the Christmas store. This was not how she imagined her life would turn out. So she’s irritated by her present circumstances,  

but Holly is learning how to open up her hands and be open to what might come, even though it may look different than she thought it would.


Courtnaye – Oh my goodness, this sounds like a Hallmark movie! 


Katie – Well, that is my not-so-secret goal, Courtnaye – that it would become a movie or musical one day (smile in her voice). I love musical theater and I thought that would be super fun. But we’ll see what God does. I love to dream big! 


Courtnaye – Well, I’m dreaming big with you! I would love to see this on screen or as a musical. It sounds very good and I’m definitely going to get it. I think it’s refreshing to dive into something wholesome and good like this. So thank you for taking the time to write it. 


Katie – God knew that we would need a little hope at the end of this hard year. So I’m just rejoicing in the timeliness of this book at this time. I think people need something that’s going to work out in the end, because so much in this year has not. So I really hope that it encourages people and makes them think, but that it also gives them that lift after a heavy year. 


Courtnaye – Well, it definitely sounds like a lift. Like the main character in your book, Christmas can be hard for some people. Katie, what tips can you give to those who may have experienced hurt or loss and who just need help navigating through this holiday season? 


Katie – Yeah, you know, we found ourselves in a situation like that. In November of 2012, we had a failed adoption attempt and it was my worst fear coming true. That Christmas was so hard. So I would encourage people to be honest with their loved ones. If you’re struggling over the holiday season, I think it’s super hard to put on a happy face and do all the normal traditions, because it can just be heartbreaking. I actually have a friend who has been widowed twice and she started a new tradition. So I would encourage them to be honest with others, maybe try a new tradition, keep things simple, and focus on what you do have. 


Courtnaye – Great tips! Thank you, Katie! Now, before we close, I want to pivot to your newest venture, Ministry to Business Guide and Huddle. There are a lot of people who are diving deeper into ministry, starting their brands, becoming entrepreneurs and wanting to grow in these areas. Can you tell us a little bit more about this new endeavor?


Katie – Yeah, so the “Ministry to Business Guide” started with four entrepreneurs (and speakers) who just wanted to take our expertise and pull back the curtain to help people. Sometimes in ministry and business, you ask people for help, but then they're kind of tight-lipped about it. So we just said, “Hey, here are some things that we’ve learned along the way. Here are some things that we wish we would’ve known. We want to tell you how to do it, so that you can get unstuck and take sustainable steps forward in your ministry." So the heart of Ministry to Business is to help you make a sustainable income from your passion or ministry, but also to know that it's okay to get paid for what you do if you're in ministry, because it costs money to have a website, have a podcast, or an email subscription service.   


Courtnaye – Right. Amen!


Katie – But as you eluded to, Courtnaye, you’re a part of “The Ministry to Business Huddle” which is a hub of Christian communicators and there are some who are not Christians in this group, but they’re all passionate and have a message, want to be in it for the long-haul, and in a life-giving way. And so it’s a membership/coaching group. We also bring in experts. We just want you to be able to get your questions answered. We have team coaching with the four of us who do LIVE Q&A, cheat sheets, and freebies. We’re just having a blast! Our open enrollment was in October, but it's also going to be in January. 


Courtnaye – I love this! The Huddle is awesome and open to become a new member during the month of November for January's enrollment. I have pages and pages of notes from the Huddle. So dear reader, sign up, sign up, sign up here if you're looking to grow your ministry, brand, or business. Katie, before we end, can you share a word of encouragement with the readers, today? 


Katie – Yes, in the book of Nehemiah, the people were rebuilding a wall. Basically, each of the people had their part to rebuild the wall, and so they were working as a team. I just want to encourage the readers or listeners to know that you have a part on the wall. You have a message that the world needs. So focus on what’s in front of you, instead of focusing on what others are doing. Take steps forward that only you can do. Be faithful with that and cheer on others beside you. 


Courtnaye – So good! We are all on the same team. We don’t have to compare one to another. Thank you so much for that, Katie! 


Katie – Well, Courtnaye. Thank you so much! 


Courtnaye – So how can we connect with you on social media, grab your new book, and find out more about your ministry?


Katie – Sure! You can go to, or The best place is my website and there is also a pop-up there where you can subscribe to my email list and you’ll get my monthly newsletter and a free video series entitled, “Stress Less and Smile More.” I’m also on social media as Katie M. Reid on Instagram and Facebook. I would love to connect. I just love to encourage people to take the next steps in their creative projects and God-given purpose. That makes me happy!  


Courtnaye - Awesome! Connect, grab her book, and sign up here for the Ministry to Business Guide & Huddle today! 



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October 2020

unveiling & embracing the real you


By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          ell hello there, my sister. This month I have with me, Co-Pastor Chauntel Williams of The City of Hope International and founder of the non-profit organization, Just Understand My Purpose (JUMP). She is also a loving wife and mother, community activist, entrepreneur, debut author and New Orleans, Louisiana native (my hometown as well) who now resides in Houston, Texas. She is doing so many amazing things for the Lord and bears a huge responsibility to the body of Christ. Personally, I just love her and her sweet spirit. She is truly an amazing woman of God.


Courtnaye -  With all of that being said, let’s go ahead and get started. Hello Chauntel, how are you? 


Chauntel – Hi Courtnaye, thank you for having me! (smiling) 


Courtnaye – Absolutely! I am so excited to talk to you about your new book entitled, “The Mask, Mirror & Me.” It comes out on October 10th this year. Woohoo! So the first thing that I want to ask you is how did you know when it was time to write your book? 


Chauntel – Well, to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t totally sure. I just knew that I had to write it. The title and message of the book actually came to me 10 years prior to giving birth to it. But in writing this book, I realized the timing was aligned with the Spirit of God. It wasn’t forced. It wasn’t a stressor for me and I didn’t feel like I was taking time away from my family or other things. It was strategically aligned to get this book out.  


Courtnaye – Amen. God’s timing is perfect. When He says move, we have to move. In the book, you talk about wearing masks. What does it mean to wear a mask in life? 


Chauntel – Interesting, because this book is coming out at a time when we are mandated to wear masks during the pandemic with Covid 19. But the mask that I’m talking about in the book is a façade. It’s a covering up of who you truly are. It’s a suffocation, silence, or a shutting down. When we put masks on it blocks and hinders us from being who and what we should be. 


Courtnaye – Right. In the natural, so many people are hiding and hurting behind the mask. Now, in another section of the book you talk about having a “Mirror Experience.” What is that exactly? Can you explain it to us for a moment? 


Chauntel – That’s the big boom moment! This is when you finally have the opportunity to look yourself in the mirror and admit or acknowledge that you’ve been wearing a mask. The mirror exposes who you are. It exposes your true identity and all that God has created in you. The mirror experience brings transparency and balance to your life.  


Courtnaye – It’s facing yourself, right? It’s facing and embracing all of you. Chauntel, you’ve also faced some hard things in your own life. You’ve been through rejection, abandonment, and low self-esteem. How were you able to overcome all of those things.


Chauntel – I call those "heavy-hitters." Unfortunately, these things take many of us out. There are so many people that deal with suicide, depression, and anxiety. For me, I’ve overcome these things by the power of the Holy Ghost. I asked the Lord to take control of my life and to help me to resist the enemy. That took surrender, but also prayer, fasting, and having a mentor. 


Courtnaye – I like that. I’m big on mentorship because we do need to have someone to talk to and share our hurts and struggles with, so they can help pull us through them. Now, can you share a word of encouragement for the women reading or listening today.  


Chauntel – Yes, I would like to encourage every reader or listener here, but also those who are going to get the book. My encouragement is to be open to seeing the true you. Don’t be afraid. Embrace the true you. Remove your mask, because that removal will free you. But also look in the mirror and expect a major breakthrough. Pain and trauma is real, but I want you to know that when you open yourself up to the love of God, you can be healed. We all have a purpose and a destiny and you can be all that God created you to be.  


Courtnaye – That’s a message! That is such a good word of encouragement! Thank you so much Chauntel.


Chauntel -  Amen!


Courtnaye – So how can we find out more information about your book and ministry?


Chauntel – Absolutely! You can find me on You can order the book from the website or on Amazon. I’m also on Facebook, Instagram, and Periscope (see the social media icons below). 


Courtnaye – Woohoo! Connect, connect, connect, my sister and thank you once again Co-Pastor, Chauntel! 


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September 2020

Let go of the guilt


By Inside Out with Courtnaye

          ell hello there, my sister. This month I have with me, Valorie Burton. Valorie is a lover of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, bestselling author, speaker, life coach, and entrepreneur. She has been featured on The Today Show, Dr. Oz, CNN, HLN, as well as hundreds of radio, podcast, and television shows. She also co-hosted the show entitled, "Aspiring Women" with T.D. Jakes, written several life-changing books, and has also written for Women’s Day, Essence Magazine, and many more publications. Oh my goodness! She is doing so many amazing things and I see her EVERYWHERE – in bookstores such as Mardel Christian Bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and Target. 


Courtnaye –Welcome, welcome, welcome, Valorie!


Valorie - Thank you, Courtnaye. I’m glad to be here. (smiling)


Courtnaye – Awesome! Valorie, you are a very successful woman who is doing so many great things and now you have a new book that’s coming out on September 1st, which is right around the corner. 


Valorie – I know! Can you believe it? 


Courtnaye – Hey! Time flies when you’re having fun and doing the will of God. So, your book is called, Let Go of the Guilt. Tell us a little bit about the inspiration behind it and how you began pinning it?


Valorie – Sure, I’ve struggled with guilt. I don’t even know if I even would’ve called it that, but as I delved into the topic, I realized that yes, this was guilt. So as I began talking about guilt with women, especially at speaking engagements, I would get this collective, “Ugh! Of course, yes! I have guilt every day.” That’s when I realized it wasn’t just me. 


Courtnaye – Gotcha. So what is guilt, really? 


Valorie - Guilt is something you feel that can cause you to make decisions that you wouldn’t otherwise make. Guilt makes you behave in ways that you wouldn’t otherwise behave. While writing this book, I wanted to help women let go of guilt, but also let go of my own guilt. 


Courtnaye – So good! And I love your passion behind helping women overcome this. 


Valorie - Also Courtnaye, in the book, I do talk about authentic guilt a bit – like when you’ve done something wrong, because that happens. So, I’m not saying that if you’ve done something wrong, you shouldn’t feel guilty. But if you are treating yourself as if you’ve done something wrong and you haven't, that is what I call false guilt. And that guilt has to be rejected. In my research of surveying over 500 women and while writing this book, so much of the guilt that women talked about and struggled with was false guilt. Again, it’s when I haven’t done anything wrong, but I feel like I’ve done something wrong or caused harm, when I really haven’t. That’s not God’s will for us to walk around feeling condemned or guilty for things we don’t need to feel guilty about. 


Courtnaye – Right, Amen. You also talk about a guilt list. Can you talk about that more? 


Valorie – Sure. The guilt list can look like, “I don’t visit my mother enough” or “I don’t want to celebrate my good fortunes, because I feel guilty that my friends are not in the same place.” I actually thought “mom guilt” would’ve been at the top and that was in the top five, but the top two were things like, “I don’t feel like I’m eating right” or “I don’t feel like I’m exercising well.”  


Courtnaye – Wow! Well, I can totally relate to that. So I guess I need to start writing out my guilt list and shake it off. 


Valorie – Right. And think about what triggers your guilt. For me, when my son was in pre-school, my guilt was dropping him off at school thinking, “You know, the really good moms are at home with their kids at this age. But look at you - writing books and speaking.” 


Courtnaye – Gotcha. 


Valorie – But on one particular day, when my husband and I dropped him off together and as we were walking away, I remember saying, “I feel so bad.” My husband was like, “What? Did you see him when he walked in there? His bros were high-fiving him and were like, Alex! He doesn’t want to be home with you all day. He’s social and happy. I think this is better for him. You’re a great mom!” 


Courtnaye – Wow! That's so awesome!


Valorie – And then he said something that really hit me. He said, “Wasn’t this the vision you had for your life?” And I said, “Yes.” When I was 20 years old, I said that I wanted to be an author, own a business and have a family, but I also wanted to have flexibility in my schedule. Now, it took me more than two decades to get to this vision, but there I was feeling guilty. 


Courtnaye – That is something, because I’ll tell you. The thing that I feel guilty about is not working out. One reason is because I’m not very passionate about it. And I have to tell you, I’m married to a fitness owner (laughing). I mean, when I’m getting ready to put a cookie in my mouth I tend to say, “Oh-oh, should I do that?” However, the great thing is that he doesn’t make me feel bad. I do it to myself. That’s the false guilt that you’re talking about. So I love how you explain that and how our husbands reel us back in to see that we don’t have to feel guilty.


Valorie – Right! (laughing) You know, in the book I talk about the “Guilt Gender Gap.” The men in our lives really can help us, because women do feel guiltier. One piece of research stated that men are guilt deficient until they get into their 50’s. But some of it is because we are emotionally more complex.


Courtnaye – I can totally see that. Okay, so before we close, what does it look like to let go of guilt? Can you share a couple of tips with us? 


Valorie - Well, first and foremost, become aware of what’s going on. When you start to feel guilt, notice it and label it. Research shows that when we label emotions, it creates an interruption. We’re stopping and pausing and realizing, “Oh, that emotion just showed up!” Personally, it gives me a minute to acknowledge that emotion, pause, while allowing me to respond rather than react. And then, it’s pushing back on that guilt. 


Courtnaye – Gotcha. 


Valorie – And then secondly, ultimately letting go of the guilt is about taking back your joy and practicing self-compassion, which is simply treating yourself with kindness and encouraging yourself as much as you would your best friend or loved one whom you really care about. We often encourage others in similar situations, but then beat ourselves up for making mistakes, regrets, or past choices. So talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend. I’ll say this, ultimately the reason why I wrote this book, Let Go of the Guilt is to help you get back your joy, because that is what guilt steals.   


Courtnaye – Wow! So profound! Thank you so much Valorie, for taking the time to write the book and for taking time out of your busy schedule to share with us today. 


Valorie - No problem, Courtnaye. (smiling)


Well, there you have it, my sister! Don't let guilt rob you of your joy. Grab Valorie's new book, Let Go of the Guilt and when you visit her website, check out all of the additional resources that she provides with the book like an audio version, book club info, study materials, and so much more. Let's let go of the guilt, my sister, as soon as we recognize it! 

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Lead Like a Woman

By Inside Out with Courtnaye


       efore we dive into this week’s post, I am so excited to announce to you that I will be doing a blog cover story and features each month, while still posting my weekly blog. So you won't miss my blog posts. ;-) This is just a NEW great way to connect with like-minded women who we can all glean from biblically and practically. 

For the month of August, I have collaborated with Deborah Smith Pegues, who is a devoted wife, speaker, bestselling Christian author of 18 books including, 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue: What to Say (and Don’t Say) Will Improve Your Relationships (which has sold over 1 million copies - this book is so good, Sis!). I had the privilege of sitting down with Deborah to have a conversation about how we can "Lead Like a Woman," which is also the title of her NEW book! 


Join me in the conversation as she talks to us about work-life balance, flowing in the favor of God, and of course, leading like a woman…


Courtnaye – Hi Deborah, welcome to Inside Out with Courtnaye! I am so excited to have you here with me today! 


Deborah – Thank you so much for having me, Courtnaye.


Courtnaye – No problem! Okay, before we dive in to talk about your NEW book, Lead Like a Woman, as a very successful influential woman in ministry and in business, my first question is how do you balance it all – work, ministry, family, and business as you lead others? 


Deborah – It’s called the grace of God! (chuckling) I believe my biggest accomplishment today is being married for 41 years to a man whom I love and who I still look forward to seeing every morning when I wake up. Actually, I deliberately pace myself so that I can pace myself with my marriage and my role as a matriarch of a huge family, even though I have no children. I’ve just tried to follow God’s model - God, family, and my career. I have to say that my career has never been at the top of my list and I think God has honored that in regards to the sacrifices that I’ve made by deciding not to do or take an engagement because I had a commitment to my husband. We take trips. My husband is a fun guy, but I’m the type that can work all night long (laughing). So I just say, “Follow God’s model.” I don’t put anything before my husband, other than God. We have “date night” every Friday and we have done this for about 40 years. It just feels right. I don’t go to bed feeling guilty that I spent too much time working and didn’t spend time with him. I don’t want to be a public success and a private failure. I really don’t. That’s just so critical to me. 


Courtnaye - Amen! I love the balance that you have with God, your husband, family, and having those date nights. I think it's important to invest in our marriages. So now, tell us the answer to the question of the hour: What does it mean to Lead Like a Woman?


Deborah – Well, I’ll start by saying this. Women are nurturing, collaborative, and intuitive. These are traits where we excel. I will say, some women think that they need to come to the table like "Gangbusters!" And they don’t. You want to lead like a woman. For instance, you can be assertive and say, “I just believe this would work.” For me personally, I don’t compete with men. You know, God told Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” Can you imagine either one of them trying to do that alone? It has always been God’s intention for men and women to work together. And personally, I don’t like the hand-to-hand combat that a lot of people try to engage. That’s not God’s way. God wants us to work hand-in-hand. So I just try to work together, because none of us are as smart as all of us.


Courtnaye – Great point! Once again, bringing that balance whether we work in the church or the corporate sector as we co-labor together. I think this is a good segue into my next question, which is about “confidence.” As women who lead, how can we increase our confidence? 


Deborah – Confidence is my favorite subject to talk about, because the world teaches us to have self-confidence. The word confidence means “with trust.” Now, self-confidence means “with trust in self.” And let me tell you, “self” is a very limited entity. In fact, Proverbs 28:26 says, “He who trusts in himself is a fool, but one who walks in wisdom is safe.” When you have self-confidence you’re relying on your experience, education, and maybe some contacts that you have, but there will come a time in your life when you will need something supernatural! In Daniel 2:21-22 it says, “He reveals deepest things, He knows what’s in the darkness and the light dwells with Him.” So whenever I’m faced with a situation and I feel inadequate, I don’t seek self-confidence. I say, “God, I know adequacy doesn’t come from me. It flows through me.” Also, 2 Corinthians 3:5 says, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.” 


Courtnaye – Amen! I’m telling you when you started preaching the Word, I was like, “I am here for it!” Preach! Ladies, eat it up! It's all about having a God-confidence vs. self-confidence. Okay great! Moving right along. As more and more women are becoming influencers and doing a lot of things, many are stepping into leadership roles. How important is it for women to build a strong network?


Deborah – Do you have an hour for me to talk about that? (laughing) Networking is so critical! And I am really big on it! God works through people. So you need to connect with people. I can say that significant strides that were made in my career was because somebody knew somebody or that person had access to someone who had some source who could say, “Yes or No.” And I’m speaking from being on major TV programs to radio interviews where you get heard by millions a year. Just a phone call to say, “Do you know someone over there?” That’s important. I've found that a lot of women don’t like networking, because they may think it feels insincere. But instead, they need to see it as mutual. In other words, “How can I add value to you?” So I’ll say, keep networking, but don’t rest your faith in it. Don’t get excited about the number of powerful people you know, because ultimately, it’s God who gives you favor. Psalm 5:12 says, “Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” This verse is so empowering to me!


Courtnaye – Oooooo! Yes, good stuff! God is the One who ultimately gives us favor. Favor with Him and with man. I am truly feasting on this! Now, in Chapter 10, which is entitled, “Servant-Hearted: Unveiling the Secret to Greatness,” you talk about servant leadership and I’m pretty big on this. Can you expound a little more about what it looks like to have a servant’s heart as a leader? 


Deborah – In the book, when I talk about it being a path to greatness, there is a story in the Bible where the disciples ask Jesus, “Who would be the greatest in your kingdom?” And He said, “He who would be the greatest will be a servant.” I believe that’s one of the traits that God has innately given to us as women. We come to the table with an attitude of service. We are interested in helping others in personal development. We like adding value to people. We like teamwork. We look for ways to serve. Yet, the caution that I share in my book helps us to excel in leadership, while managing being a servant and a leader. Jesus was a leader (and He wasn’t a pushover). He also didn’t just take everything to do it all Himself. He empowered His disciples. So the important thing is that we balance it out. What I’m encouraging women to do through the book is to manage those traits that I share, while understanding that you don’t have to lead like a man. Just come with the mindset that “I really am here to serve.”


Courtnaye – Love it, love it! Just lead like a woman, right? I get it! ;-) Ok, last question. Let’s talk about what’s happening in our world today. Lately, there has been a lot of racial tension and division, and I really want you to share on how we can work together as Christian women in leadership? 


Deborah – I recently put out a little piece that has almost gone viral entitled, “10 Ways Whites and Blacks Can Bridge the Racial Divide.” As Christian women, I would start by looking within (at our own biases) and go before the Lord and say, “Search me, O God." Then, in the meantime, let’s decide to work together. I’m encouraging people to get together and be responsible for initiating a cross-cultural relationship. I am actually having so much fun explaining to my friends, things that they probably shouldn’t say or what they didn’t know was offensive (because they just don’t know). And I give great grace in this area while explaining it to them. 


Courtnaye - Wow! You are so amazing! I want to end it with this quote from your new book, Lead Like a Woman"Faith is one of the leading traits."  Thank you so much Deborah!


Well, that’s it Sister! As I met with Deborah, there were so many great nuggets that I wasn’t able to share in this written piece, but stay tuned to watch the full interview on in the coming days. Also, to find out more about Deborah Smith Pegues' books, ministry, and booking inquiries, please visit Don't forget to grab her NEW book, "Lead Like a Woman," which comes out August 11th! Pre-Order TODAY!   


And remember, Jesus Christ is coming back soon! So let's be ready from the Inside Out! Also, let me know how this special blog cover story ministered to you this week. And email me directly with prayer requests @





August 2020


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"Inside Out with Courtnaye"

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